Recent content by trip20
  1. trip20

    DAC Shoot Out...

    I currently own the M51, Burson 160, and Bifrost. I just sold a DAC-83, and will probably be selling the M51 soon. Never heard the Calyx personally but have read nice reviews. The Bifrost has become my main DAC, not sure how those guys are able to turn out such quality products for so cheap.  ...
  2. trip20

    DAC Shoot Out...

    I'd put the Schiit Bifrost against any of those any day, and it's a 1/4 of the price!    
  3. trip20

    Music Hall 25.3 DAC ?

    Thanks goodvibes!   Anyone know how it might compare to the Centrance DACmini? I think I'm down to those two, unless someone has some other suggestions in that price range. I like that the 25.3 has a tube, and is $200 cheaper then the DACmini, but I've read nother but rave review about the...
  4. trip20

    Music Hall 25.3 DAC ?

    Anyone have any experience, thoughts, or advice about the Music Hall 25.3 DAC? I will primarily be using it to drive Grado 325i phones from a Mac.   I currently own (and LOVE) a Music Hall turntable and have been really impressed with the build quality, and of course the sound. I just do not...