Recent content by treats
  1. treats

    7th Gen (2009) iPod Classic 160 SQ

    I too had the 120 08 model got rid of it for the horrid sound so if anyone can compare with the current straight out of the box no EQ or any other crap hooked up or mod to it would be appreciated thanx.
  2. treats

    Sound Quality of Itouch 64g vs Sony X-1050 vs Zune HD using AAC

    It says!!! Sound Quality of Itouch 64g vs Sony X-1050 vs Zune HD using AAC Why bother comment unless you have compared all three it's so stupid to say this or that is best when you have NOT... Derr...Stupidity of others gives me a headache. Just answer the Question at hand.....or...
  3. treats

    Help me decide between these 4 ITEMs!

    The ER-4P are a good quality balanced and clear IEM but lack depth and dynamics and definitely need an amp, they got boring after a while as they were not suited for a wide range of music or should I say more than not various tunes sounded like they were lacking. If they are to be amped and EQ...
  4. treats

    Monster Beats by Dr Dre or Monster turbines?

    Hi all at Head-Fi Whatever works for the individual as there is no perfect phone, just read the forums and match those users with the similar sound signatures, traits you have or like. To demo is best ( with burn in ) but not easily accessible so another option is to read unbiased reviews...