Recent content by trbegeman
  1. trbegeman

    E5c best under $400 canal phones?

    The Westone Um2's sound great. But they need are not very well driven by my 3G iPod. With my pimeta connected to the headphone out of my iPod (need to get a line out) the highs are extended a great deal and the lows have much more impact. I am very happy that I got them. Now I just have to wait...
  2. trbegeman

    Request: Supermono options and pricing

    Quote: Xin Well, I just figured out how to add both the extra caps and 4 switches. So my suggestion now is: don't get the 3x/4x buffers. Found this in Xin's forum
  3. trbegeman

    Quick PC Game audio question

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr.Radar It's not an issue with his video card (GPU) but with his onboard SoundStorm audio (note it's nvapu.sys not nvgpu.sys). He can't have SoundStorm. He is running a P4, Nvidia only supports AMD cpus.
  4. trbegeman

    Elma Ladder Atteunater Group buy

    Just picked mine up. They are defiantly a work of art.
  5. trbegeman

    Elma Ladder Atteunater Group buy

    Don't sweat it. I don't think anyone will mind a delay of a few days. If you do happen to need more money just say something. Thanks for organizing this group buy.
  6. trbegeman

    Elma Ladder Atteunater Group buy

    YGM (You Got Money)
  7. trbegeman

    Elma Ladder Atteunater Group buy

    If the price is $70 put me down for two. If it ends up being $95 then only one.
  8. trbegeman

    Elma Ladder Atteunater Group buy

    I would be interested in one or two.