Recent content by Transcendent
  1. Transcendent

    Review: ZERO 24 BIT/192KHz DAC/Headphone Amp/Pre-Amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by MadMan007 Well, was it in backwards to start? If so it may already be damaged. The Opamp wasn't backwards, but I'm certain it wasn't completely seated properly prior my readjustment. Is my best option to order a new opamp then?
  2. Transcendent

    Review: ZERO 24 BIT/192KHz DAC/Headphone Amp/Pre-Amp

    Hmm, I've reseated the Opamp in the right direction (crescent facing the rear of the unit), but the problem still persists. Any other suggestions as to what the cause could be?
  3. Transcendent

    Review: ZERO 24 BIT/192KHz DAC/Headphone Amp/Pre-Amp

    I've recently purchased this dac, and my unit seems to have a problem with the left channel. The left channel is very muted, but the right one is fine. This problem is present in both the headphone jack and the RCA out. Also when I plug my headphones into the headphone jack, turning the volume...