Recent content by trancephorm
  1. trancephorm

    Waves Nx (consumer one) sounds distorted

    Same thing here on Mac. Distortion at higher frequencies. NX is the only effect I have on master and I hav just one VSTi playing. When I disable NX, sound is clear.
  2. trancephorm

    Trying to calibrate Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro for flat response

    Found a 5-band version of the same document named Beyerdynamic DT1990 (Velours Earpads) (5 Band EQ).pdf and applied it through Melda Parametric EQ VST. Seems like it's correct now, but the interesting thing is that judging by preference rating of 98/100 stated in PDF, it's better than 10-band...
  3. trancephorm

    Trying to calibrate Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro for flat response

    First, the setup (which I need for music production, mixing and mastering). Schiit Jotunheim DAC + AMP Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro (250 ohm) Output from Renoise DAW at 48000 KHz sampling rate. I apply first 5 EQ bands parameters to Meldaproductions Parametric EQ VST plugin which is on master...
  4. trancephorm

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hello everyone, my name is Marko. Actually I joined here long ago and even got some very good recommendations regarding what headphones I should buy. Ended up with Beyerdynamic DT-1990 Pro with Schiit Jotunheim DAC amp and I can only say I cannot imagine better sound than that. Seems like the...
  5. trancephorm

    Best Studio Headphones

    Reading many reviews around, I decided that I should go for Beyerdynamic DT1990Pro 250 Ohm. Now, onto DAC and AMP combined or separated: What is the most suitable buy while being compatible with Linux?
  6. trancephorm

    Best Studio Headphones

    Seems like Sennheiser HD600 is a bit better (though more expensive) option?
  7. trancephorm

    Best Studio Headphones

    Hello again... Been writing a post here about half year ago. The difference now is that I have greater budget than previosly stated 400$ for studio quality headphones + DAC/AMP which is working in Linux. I'm still lost in options, but at least I realised that any of the following headphones is...
  8. trancephorm

    Best Studio Headphones

    Gotta admit, I'm new in this town and I'm totally lost between options, and my needs are a bit specific: I want to use Linux (probably Kubuntu 16.04, or some special audio production distro) for Renoise DAW, so I need an DAC/AMP with over the ear headphones, suitable for studio use (production)...