Recent content by tourproto
  1. tourproto

    New Westone ADV IN STOCK NOW! Adventure Series in Magnesium uni-body!

    Quote:   Sorry you feel that way Flavio, but I call a spade a spade. I have been away on a business trip but finally have a chance to reply. I went onto Westone's website today and at this link the price is $199 and it is NOT listed as a discount...
  2. tourproto

    New Westone ADV IN STOCK NOW! Adventure Series in Magnesium uni-body!

    Flavio,   I had been a repeat customer of yours but I echo the comments above that the retail price is NOT $249, but $199. Not only did you misrepresent a discount here but you also did it in an email to me (I am on your earphone solutions email list). Once is a mistake, twice is...