Recent content by torndorff
  1. torndorff

    The SkeletonDAC

    Almost forgot!  I noticed yesterday that the link of 'Step 2' of the construction pages has C5 listed twice.  The silkscreen on the PCB is correct, it's just the image
  2. torndorff

    The SkeletonDAC

    Finish populating the PCB yesterday, and it's running great!  Sounds really nice running from PC to SkeletonDAC to Roger Gomez NP-100v12 12AU7 headphone amp.  Next up is to populate the R1 power supply prototype and run the power for the NP-100v12 through there to clean it up.  I'll post photos...
  3. torndorff

    The SkeletonDAC

    Thanks for the color reference akgfan!  I was worried I would make the problem worse by taking them out of the package, so I never noticed they were different colors.  Do the Skeleton DAC kit contents match the Mouser or Digikey BOM?  From Digikey, C11 should be about 40% taller than L1 -- can...
  4. torndorff

    The SkeletonDAC

    Shoot, I sat down to assemble the DAC and may have swapped C11 and L1, but can't tell because they lack markings (that I can see, at least).  Any way I can tell them apart?   This is my first attempt at SMD and didn't really anticipate this problem.
  5. torndorff

    Anyone willing to sell a CMoy with bass boost?

    Honestly, you can get a headphone amp prebuilt on eBay for a lower price than buying one made with nice components.  If you're really interested in building a CMoy, it is actually quite easy and a great learning experience.  PM me if you really want a Cmoy, but switches alone are about $3 each...
  6. torndorff

    The SkeletonDAC

    Is it still possible to get one of these boards?  I am looking for exactly this device!