I am horribly, horribly boring.
Martial arts, creating 3D art, photography, snorkeling, paddling around on a lake in my kayak.
Headphone Inventory
Etymotic ER-4P
Sennheiser CX300
Philips 5910
iFrogz D-33
...and a few assorted cheaper buds.
Headphone Amp Inventory
Headroom Total Airhead. I love this thing.
Source Inventory
iPod 80G Classic.

iPod 20G 4th Gen. My beater.
Cable Inventory
Cardas HPI mini-to-mini.
Graphic Designer, Photographer, Shipping Clerk, Furniture Mover... it depends on the day.


"You were born without purpose, you live without meaning, living is its own meaning. When you die you are extinguished. From being you will be transformed to non-being... This insight has brought with it a certain security that has resolutely eliminated anguish and tumult." -- Ingmar Bergman.