Recent content by ThirdEar
  1. ThirdEar

    Reveel Sound - Interesting small things !

    I'm eager to see and hear this one. I heard a demo of thne qol signal completion box at THE newport 18 months ago. It made a real and obvious difference. I heard nothing worsened, but a wider soundstage and more separation of instruments, voices, etc. More differences were evident with some...
  2. ThirdEar

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    The Centrance HiFiM8 is even more at $700 but I just got mine and it sure scales up the sound of my ER4p's (with p to s convertor). Adjustable output impedance, a subtle bass or treble adjustment, balanced power for other cans, other flexibility. I have happy ears.
  3. ThirdEar

    The Centrance HiFi M8 thread

    Myself, I'm still looking forward to my M8, from the tail end of the pre-orders. Hoping Santa Centrance still has me on the "nice" list.
  4. ThirdEar

    The Centrance HiFi M8 thread

    I've been lurking & basking in the collective wisdom since a m8 demo at THE Show Newport. Michael is as engaging and interesting in person as he is by blog. I'm at the end of the queue, but not too long now. Wondering about balanced vs SE. How much difference is audible? On which kind of...
  5. ThirdEar

    new iems (and possibly customs?)

    Newbie myself, but I've been loving my ER4P's for 8 years.  Maybe I'm extra careful, but I haven't seen any wear on the cables.  I had to replace an eartip (extras included).  They will make upgrading sources worthwhile, too. Also, I've had good experience buying from Etymotic directly.  The...