Recent content by TheHills44060
  1. TheHills44060

    Has anyone heard anything about the Oppo HA-1 balanced headphone amp/DAC?

    I wish the unit's controls were configured differently so that the chassis was wider than it is deep so it looked better on a rack and matched more closely to standard sized 17" width gear (not to mention the rest of Oppo's own product line).
  2. TheHills44060

    Another new sennheiser headphone HD238 Precision

    Well I bit the bullet and bought a pair of HD 239's since Newegg had a good deal on them.  They sound the same as the HD 238's but the headband pad is different and the color of the phones is more of a brownish than black, neither feature i prefer over the 238's unfortunately.  Hopefully this...
  3. TheHills44060

    Another new sennheiser headphone HD238 Precision

    ocean2026 mine are only making sound out of the left year after just over a year of light use.  I have no idea what happened to them.  Meanwhile I have a pair of cheap beat up Sony's I've been using for 25+ years without a single hitch.  Very disappointing considering I liked the HD238's.  