Recent content by The38th
  1. The38th

    Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (Headphones, IEMs, Amps, DACs)

    Just got the Holy Serpent V9 thanks to @1clearhead. Initial impressions: Very good IEM for the price. Bass is pretty much neutral, less than my ATH-IM70s. Mids are emphasised and sound a bit forward, less forward than the IM70s but more than my X.Pistons. Treble is nice and splashy although...
  2. The38th

    Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (Headphones, IEMs, Amps, DACs)

    Ah oops, my bad.    Well, I did say that Aliexpress has those, I was just trying to give a tip.    Sorry I guess 
  3. The38th

    Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (Headphones, IEMs, Amps, DACs)

    NVX XPT100 or Shure 440? I'd be very wary of those cheaper Takstars on aliexpress because they it is known that aliexpress have scammers/fakes. I'd advice you to go with the more expensive sellers that have good/more feedback.   Edit: Just saw that the $51 Takstars have good amount of...
  4. The38th

    Audio Technica ATH-IM70: A Bold New Direction

    Sounds okay actually o.o. Except for that guitar screech? at 1:23. I think I'm just sensitive to sounds that quite a lot of air going through small holes at high pitch. E.g. Whispers, Whistles. Especially hate people blowing their recorders at the highest pitch. Uck.  
  5. The38th

    Audio Technica ATH-IM70: A Bold New Direction

    Man, my ears are certainly hard to please. It's a pity, I really like the bass with the silicone tips, I guess I'll try the Sony Hybrids and Piston's tips when they arrive, with the IM70. By the way, did you take off the filters on the IM70? Thanks for the help  
  6. The38th

    Audio Technica ATH-IM70: A Bold New Direction

    I feel like the silicone tips fits me better than the foam tips though. It's even more firm than the foam tips that move easily for me. Maybe I'm just sensitive to that particular freqs 
  7. The38th

    Audio Technica ATH-IM70: A Bold New Direction

    I tried listening on both my laptop and iPhone so the EQ problem is crossed out. Even checked my spotify EQ, it was on... switched it off and there was no difference. Not even placebo wants to help me think it sounds better!     Could you try this song? The sibilance comes out especially when...
  8. The38th

    TOPPING NX1 Portable Headphone Amplifier Impressions Thread

    Where did you get it in Australia? Looking to buy one for myself :D
  9. The38th

    Audio Technica ATH-IM70: A Bold New Direction

    I've been crossing between the SHE3590 tips and the Comply Foam tips. The Comply Tips take away the annoying sibilance on the "s" sounds, but the bass is compromised. The silicone tips have more bass but have the sibilance. Is there any way to take away the sibilance without using the foam tips...
  10. The38th

    REVIEW: Vivo Xplay 3S + XE800 Mobile audio perfection

    Anyone know how much these cost to manufacture approximately? Read the thread and saw at 358 RMB. But there's another one at 88 RMB with x3 feedback. Most...
  11. The38th

    Audio Technica ATH-IM70: A Bold New Direction

    +1 for SHE3590 tips. The comply tips took some of the bass out which I didn't like. The earphones hurt my ears after a few hours of listening though.
  12. The38th

    Audio Technica ATH-IM70: A Bold New Direction

    Just got mine. But hmmm? Initial impressions with the comply tips: Nothing really special. Just a bit better than my SHE3590 (LOL). Will wait for burn in and try tip rolling later Edit: Just realised Red is for Right. I feel stupid now
  13. The38th

    Soundsoul S-018 Impressions Thread

    I'm using the taobao link. It's 118 rmb which is roughly 20 usd
  14. The38th

    Soundsoul S-018 Impressions Thread

    Wow, detachable cables for $20? Damn. I'll be jumping on these ones
  15. The38th

    Soundsoul S-018 Impressions Thread

    I have never heard of the HS-V9 O.O Care to provide a link? I don't really want to use these for the gym, was just asking about the build quality and quoted Voicemaster saying they would be okay at the gym, so I guess the build quality is pretty good. 