Recent content by thatladude
  1. thatladude

    The Official Rockbox for Android Registry

    *Bump*   Was so glad to find that RockBox works on some of my old Android phones I had lying around that were not in use. Felt it was such a shame to not use them for something. I had been looking into getting an FiiO X1 DAP, but though "why not try to use this old Android phone as a high-def...
  2. thatladude

    Coby CV185, Ultra Budget Portable Headphones

    Bought a pair of these about two months ago just so I could have something that sounded pretty good for the price and I wouldn't get upset over if stolen/lost.   But just this week the left can's sound dropped in volume to the point where hardly any sound comes out at all.   I really...
  3. thatladude

    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

    Just wanted to thank the original poster (ljokerl) for this round up -- amazingly detailed and useful research and writing!   I found the lowend IEM reviews very helpful -- the local discount retailer near me sells many of these and I do not want to throw down major cash for something that...
  4. thatladude

    Sony DVP-S300...What on earth, WOW!

    Just wanted to bump this and echo was was previously posted: I've had this dvd/cd player since it was released back in 1998 and it has never let me down.  The headphone out jack has impressive level (and even comes with a level adjuster for custom output level and I rarely turn it past 3 if I...