Been into tube gear a long time, would like a pair of electrostatic phones, do own some electrostatic tweeters and they are sweet, though not in use at this time. Anyone with a collection of electrostatic tweeters, get hold of me, I have some singles.
Sculpture, the one in my profile photo is made from a very hard wood that is originally local to only Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma along rivers and streams. I understand it is now grown in Argentina, though I don't know if it was grown as a trade item, or grew by itself as it did locally. I live on the edge of old growth forest pre non native population. This sculpture is from a tree that was maybe 300 years old. Gives one thought, sunlight trapped for hundreds of years in a hunk o'wood I sculpted. Cool!
Headphone Inventory
Old pair of Koss I wear while sleeping, some noise cancellation that I wear on airliners, and I cannot stress too much how much you need these if you fly only once in your life for over an hour. I did about 20 hours on airplanes and they do the trick.
Headphone Amp Inventory
Most of my amps and preamps have phone holes. I have stacks of tube and SS gear from the 50s through the millennium. I like phones but only use them when the wife makes speakers something bad. I hope to get some electrostatics, maybe others for my pleasure soon. Right now my major want is that they must fit over the whole outer ear in a comfortable manner so that I can wear them while asleep. I am using SS right now but want to buy or build a stereo SE tube amp for phones for sleep. I deserve it.
Source Inventory
Garage sales, thrift stores, DIY, trade, retail.
Cable Inventory
Lots, I even hand braid my own from Vampire OFC of which I bought a spool in Las Vegas at the SHOW a few years ago, it was snowing at the time. I never went to the large hotel with the HT stuff, just the small one with the tube gear, turntables, even the little ball speakers by Gallo were better than any HT stuff I have ever heard.
Power-Related Components
Isolation transformers and in the process of building a power lowering filter to be isolation transformers which do not change the voltage.
Other Audio Equipment
Rooms, closets and half a garage full... I like high effiency speakers and single ended tube gear.
Audio-Related Tweaks
Get back to you...........
I stay alive. I have been living on dissability for close on 20 years. It is not easy, money is very tight. I have a lot of time on my hands but don't have the body to take advantage of it. I suck at math so DIY HiFi doesn't work out too well.
I sculpt du