Recent content by TexDanny
  1. TexDanny

    Speakers Stands for B&W CM1

    Hi guys,   I need to buy speaker stands for my b&w CM1 but I'm not sure how to know if the speaker stand is compatible with the CM1's. I've heard that the B&W FS-700/CM (especially designed for the CM1's) has some holes you can "fix" the speakers to so that the speaker won't fall is someone...
  2. TexDanny

    help a newbie! descent audio for under $1k flac+ed9, please need your knowledge!

    Quote:   Wow, that looks awesome. That is exactly what I'm looking for. Too bad it is only sold within the UK by Sevenoaks Sound and Vision. I guess I'll have to wait Do you know of a similiar all-in-one badass product like that?   Thanks for posting that info   *** I've just...
  3. TexDanny

    Help me buy a new sound rig, please.

    Hi mrnoodle, I connect the AKGs on the Yamaha AX-397 Headphone output. I know an onboard soundcard is not ideal, so I either have to buy a new soundcard or an external DAC. I've read that the latter is usually better.  
  4. TexDanny

    Help me buy a new sound rig, please.

    I'm sorry if that's the impression I'm giving to you. It might be just because english isn't my main language. I do care about how things look when I buy them, I'll have to look at them almost every day so it makes sense for me to buy something graphically appealling. However, sound quality is...
  5. TexDanny

    Help me buy a new sound rig, please.

    Hi,   I'm completely lost when it comes to getting a proper sound rig. I'm not sure what I should be buying first. I think speakers go first and then you choose the amp but I could be totally wrong. I want to change my current sound setup to get a better sound and hopefully make my room look...
  6. TexDanny

    Basic Stuff: Check Setup + 2 Computer question

    What do you guys think of this setup:   PC#1                >   DAC#1  > Active speakers PC#2     PC#2 > DAC#2/Headphone Amp > Headphones     This way I can change the input on DAC#1 if I want to listen to PC#2 through the speakers. Would you solve this problem without using...
  7. TexDanny

    Basic Stuff: Check Setup + 2 Computer question

    Hi,   First of all, I just wanna say that I'm an audio noob so please bear with me.   I'd like to check if these setups are correct to get the best sound possible out of my computer:   PC > DAC > AMP > Passive Speakers PC > DAC > Headphone AMP > Headphones   I realize there are...
  8. TexDanny

    Sound System for two computers

    Quick doubt about this setup: Comp1 --> USB --> DAC --> Amp --> Speaker Wire --> Speakers Comp2 --> SPDIF --^ ............... --> 1/4" out --> phones How am I going to listen to both computers at the same time with the speakers or headphones? All the DACs I've been looking at that have usb...
  9. TexDanny

    Sound System for two computers

    May I please get an example of a switching station? First time I've ever heard of it and my google skills seem to be off. Thanks a lot for the illustration
  10. TexDanny

    Sound System for two computers

    I've changed my mind and won't get a TV for the office as it would just be a distraction for me. Maybe an AV receiver is not needed for what I want. I'll try to do my best to explain it. I need to be able to freely choose what/where I want to listen to. For example, sometimes I'd like to...
  11. TexDanny

    Sound System for two computers

    A reciever is just what I'm looking for, thanks a lot. Budget is not a huge concern right now and the price range you have given me seems very reasonable. Since sound is coming from the computers would I need to get sound cards for them or are the mobos sound cards enough? What features...
  12. TexDanny

    Sound System for two computers

    What if I also want to connect a TV to the same sound system?
  13. TexDanny

    Sound System for two computers

    Hi all, if this is not the right forum for this kind of post please forgive me and move it. I've heard this is a good source for information about sound equipment but because my question is very specific and I don't know where to start I'll just post it here and hope that someone helps me...