Recent content by tarsik
  1. tarsik

    URGENT! Please help Lampizator

    On behalf of Mr. Lukasz Fikus (Lampizator):   Hello all friends of tube technology! My great friend, my teacher and mentor and guru - Mr. Evgennyi Kreminski from Ukraine (main engineer at ARG Amplification company) is facing a lethal health problem which apparently is not curable in...
  2. tarsik

    Audio-GD NFB-11

     I don't have much practice in web posting and writing about how to duplicate my NFB-11 upgrade would be a nightmare for me due to sheer amount of changes. I can probably post some schematic of everything around the DAC board (power, buffer, connections and composition) but writing about how to...
  3. tarsik

    Audio-GD NFB-11

    Quote:  Nobody in their right mind should be able to change your mind on equipment that you already own. Do you get shivers and goosebumps when you listen to the music? Do you like your gear? Than it is worth every penny you spent, be happy!  ES9018 is a very sophisticated and capable...
  4. tarsik

    Audio-GD NFB-11

      Quote:  Thank you, Peete, for being inspiration at first place. I guess I didn't have green PIOs handy and could not simply wait few weeks for them to arrive from Eastern Europe - too exhausting, I'm sure you know what I mean . All the best to you! P.S. Don't try 6N6P-I, those are...
  5. tarsik

    Audio-GD NFB-11

    Quote:   Sorry for confusion, I'm not Lampizator. I'm lucky to know him personally and we share ideas, some views on equipment and passion to do things that bring joy.    
  6. tarsik

    Audio-GD NFB-11

    Quote:   I don't believe I went over $200 in additional parts for this (minus enclosure that was already available). ES9018 itself is $50 chip, so I agree - building something good for $280 and having to pay employees, PCB house etc. is an achievement. But still - please read my article...
  7. tarsik

    Audio-GD NFB-11

    It is pretty rude reply - that is how you treat people on head-fi? I don't sell any DACs or other products to promote and can't help if original NFB-11 is a piece of junk - I wasted my money on it and wanted to share my opinion. Instead of returning product I actually did something with it. Not...
  8. tarsik

    Audio-GD NFB-11

     Please consider my small contribution to the thread about NFB-11. I value everyone's opinion and please take my post as just another person's view.   Thank you and have a great day!