Recent content by tanyeehou
  1. tanyeehou

    How do you carry your amps around

    Hi guys,   Thanks alot!   I guess there's no real solution which enables you to carry them IN your pockets.   I'll put some thought into this to see if I really still want that amp or not.   Thanks!
  2. tanyeehou

    How do you carry your amps around

    Thank you grokit!   That thread should be a wonder. Will check it out now. Quote:
  3. tanyeehou

    How do you carry your amps around

    Ahh I didn't think of this.   But does it fit in the pocket or do you still need to put it in your bag or something?   Unfortunately I live in Malaysia and we've been seeing a rise in camera-related thefts/robberies in recent months so I guess that rules out camera cases or cases that...
  4. tanyeehou

    How do you carry your amps around

    Hi guys,   First up apologies if this has been discussed. I searched around abit but could not find the thread.   I'm looking at grabbing an amp to bring myself closer to aural heaven, and I'm looking at the iBasso Boa.   I'm using an iPod Touch, and I'm starting to think how would I...
  5. tanyeehou

    Double blind test 128Kbps vs lossless? I'll be amazed if you can tell much difference

    I think the problem with common mp3s is not the format, but rather the compression process where some might use an inferior process.   If only there were certain compression standards hmmm
  6. tanyeehou

    How do I convert FLAC to Apple Lossless?

    Is there any difference in SQ between Max and iTunes? I can't tell right now but I'll hate to find a difference a few years down the road and then having to re-rip everything again.
  7. tanyeehou

    Volume Limiter for iTunes(OS X)

    Quote: Thanks a_recording!
  8. tanyeehou

    How do I convert FLAC to Apple Lossless?

    Hey guys,   Found an easy solution (for us iTunes and iPod users) using only iTunes and Fluke for Mac.   Turns out you can actually import anything into ALAC with iTunes itself.
  9. tanyeehou

    Volume Limiter for iTunes(OS X)

    Hi,   Apologies if this has been brought up, as I couldn't find it.   I remember reading somewhere about a certain plugin for iTunes which limits the volume of all of your music. Rather than just limiting the volume by slicing off the higher amplitude waves, what it apparently does is...
  10. tanyeehou

    SQ difference from notebook and iPod

    Quote: Originally Posted by usf09 I don't know if you ran the iPod line out to another DAC, but if you did, that won't do anything, you're not completely bypassing the iPod DAC, just the headphone port... Oh alright thanks mate! I thought that I bypass the DAC which is why I was...
  11. tanyeehou

    SQ difference from notebook and iPod

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mochan The Macbook probably has a better soundcard in it than the iPod's built in DAC, but I'm really just guessing I don't have a MacBook. Hmm I was actually thinking of that but I think I bypassed the soundcard by using the DAC...right?
  12. tanyeehou

    SQ difference from notebook and iPod

    Hi guys, I've been searching quite a bit before asking, so I hope you guys can help me out here. I recently tried the Ordnance .25 amp using my iPod Touch (3rd gen, using line out) and on my Macbook (UMB, using USB connected to DAC) and I noticed that they both sounded vastly different in...