Recent content by Taeyeon
  1. Taeyeon

    Using Hifiman EF2 as Double amping/dac to Schiit valhalla?

    Total Noob Question here, Ok so right now I'm missing a dedicated external DAC with USB for my Valhalla that I'm going to purchase.  I was wondering If I could hook up my Hifiman to my Valhalla as the use of its built in DAC. Will this work? or will this make it worse? I am planning to buy the...
  2. Taeyeon

    Using Hifiman EF2 as preamp/dac to Schiit valhalla?

    Total Noob Question here, Ok so right now I'm missing a dedicated external DAC with USB for my Valhalla that I'm going to purchase.  I was wondering If I could hook up my Hifiman to my Valhalla as the use of its built in DAC. Will this work? or will this make it worse? I am planning to buy the...