Recent content by Symfunny7
  1. Symfunny7

    Grado's new line of IEM: GR10e and the GR8e

    These look pretty amazing. Can't wait for comparisons. I hope that grado might get into the earbud business! haha, they would do great. I feel like dabbing between the styles of in-ear iems and tight and forward grado headphones might be quite a difficult leap for the designers. Please post...
  2. Symfunny7

    New Audio Technica Limited Edition Woodies: ATH-ESW9LTD!!

    So overall are these worth it over the ESW9's? I have these headphones burned in really well and very well kept over the last few years. I cherish their looks, style, comfort, and sound (kinda), and it bugs me that another headphone is out there to replace my baby. Is it worth it to upgrade...
  3. Symfunny7

    senheiser HD-598 reviwed by whathifi as "boring"! True?

    Hey guys, i'm relatively new here, but i've got a hefty collection of gear already (for some reason I can't put it in my profile). I wouldn't really use the word "boring" to describe the 598, but I would describe them as laid back. It's possible that i just prefer to listen to music at lower...
  4. Symfunny7

    Pictures of Your *Mid-Fi* Portable Rig ($200 - $600)

    Impressive stuff guys, I wish I could post pictures of mine :C 