Recent content by svzurich
  1. svzurich

    Help me decide guy's!!! HD 600 or Ety's 4s/6's

    The Etys' microphonics is a non-issue to me. I drape mine over the ears and down my back. I operate machinery at work that requires me to move around quite a bit, and I have zero problems. I appreciate the hearing protection they offer me. The only time they are a problem is when some idiot...
  2. svzurich

    How often do you replace your Etymotic's green filters?

    I think it depends on your ears (as in how much wax they produce and how clean you keep them). I have had my ER-4Ps for a month now and the filters are still clean.
  3. svzurich

    Which portable CD player to go with ER4Ps?

    The SlimX does not have that flaw. There is no hissing on mine. Iriver posted that the problem with the IMP/SP-250 was due to having more than one supplier of the amp, but the IMP-350 does not have that problem. I am still very impressed with it, and that is after nearly 3 weeks of heavy usage...
  4. svzurich

    Which portable CD player to go with ER4Ps?

    MusicJunkie, I swear by my SlimX CD/MP3/WMA player. I use it with my ER-4P and it is divine bliss.
  5. svzurich

    Dealing with Ety cable rubbing noise

    I find bringing the cable up my back to work really well. Looping around the ears helps with the weight and block microphonics from the cord. I do have one issue though. When I walk fast, I hear the breeze in my ears. It is a "whooshing" sound that picks up as I take a step, then dies down...
  6. svzurich

    ER6 Concerns?

    How are the ER-6s with regards to microphonics and how well do they stay in your ears? I am looking to replace my Sony MDR-A30Gs with something at least as comfortable, offers sound isolation, and much better sound experience. I am very tempted by the ER-4P, but I do not want to pay that much...