Recent content by Steel Ninja
  1. Steel Ninja

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    Hey, can any of you fellow etyheads give me hand? My etys just broke and I'm looking for a replacement with a similar signature but slightly more bass. (The ER4XR is looking quite promising, but I want to keep my options open.)   Thread here.   Thanks!
  2. Steel Ninja

    Looking for Etymotic ER4 Replacement/Upgrade

    I am aware of the repair and discount programs, but I would just as soon put the $80-$200 towards a better pair of earphones, although if they apply that program to the ER4XR I will probably take advantage of it.   Do you have any dynamics/hybrids in particular you think might fit my needs...
  3. Steel Ninja

    Looking for Etymotic ER4 Replacement/Upgrade

    Those were all really good suggestions, thanks a bunch!   I did decide that none of them met my needs after looking at reviews, mostly due to emphasis or recession in one frequency or another, but they were damn close (especially the Pinnacle) and the research was fun, so thanks for that!  ...
  4. Steel Ninja

    Looking for Etymotic ER4 Replacement/Upgrade

    So my amazing Etymotic ER4Ps just broke.    Turns out sticking sewing needles into headphones isn't a good idea... (long story) But that means spending way more money than any reasonable person should (again) on new toys!    Anyway, I loved the comfort, isolation, and sound of the Etymotics...
  5. Steel Ninja

    Soundmagic HP150/HP151 Impressions Thread

    Just got these! Gonna let them burn in for 15 minutes and then post a preliminary impression. I'll update with a full review after I've let them burn in properly.   All right, so initial impression is good. Comfortable, pretty neutral sound with maybe a tiny bit of bass emphasis, and great...
  6. Steel Ninja

    Looking for good neutral headphones ~$200

    A-HA! This is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you, I am officially sold on these now. Looks like I have a setup!
  7. Steel Ninja

    Looking for good neutral headphones ~$200

    Hmm. I suppose I'd better take your word for it. Further research I've done supports your claims as well, so I'll adjust the list. Have you used the Sennheisers? I'm off to check out the A900X. About the A900X: Blegh. They're ugly and they're too big. Are the HP150s a similar size?
  8. Steel Ninja

    Looking for good neutral headphones ~$200

    Why is that? Have you used any others on the list? I'm not doubting your credibility, just looking for more information in general.
  9. Steel Ninja

    Looking for good neutral headphones ~$200

    Never mind! I have been sold on the Soundmagic HP150s. Many thanks to cel4145 for the advice below.
  10. Steel Ninja

    New to hi-fi, player advice?

    Yep. Poweramp is what I'm sticking with. Thanks for suggesting Neutron. I think I have been convinced that Rockbox is my best bet. The X5, yes. It's simply out of my price range. The X3 may be worthwhile, but I fear my sub-$100 phones won't do it justice, plus I'm sold on PEQ. A 2-band...
  11. Steel Ninja

    New to hi-fi, player advice?

    Well, Neutron's interface is garbage, but I can tell that PEQ is a powerful thing. I still suck at it since I've only used it for ~15 minutes, but I'm sure with time my ability will improve. Can you save EQ presets with Rockbox? Is it possible to assign each song a preset so you don't have to do...
  12. Steel Ninja

    New to hi-fi, player advice?

    Sorry, by UI I meant the menus. That wasn't particularly clear. :tongue: cel4145 thank you, that is extremely helpful, and I will check out Neutron. ---- Alternately, could I just Rockbox something cheap like a Clip+ or Clip Zip and use the rest of the money to upgrade my cans? I've heard...
  13. Steel Ninja

    New to hi-fi, player advice?

    The EQ. I've seen pictures of the UI, it looks perfectly usable, if a bit bland.
  14. Steel Ninja

    New to hi-fi, player advice?

    I haven't used Rockbox myself, but I'm willing to try it out. The full parametric equalizer is a little intimidating though. I'm used to JetEffect. Does it take too long to learn?
  15. Steel Ninja

    New to hi-fi, player advice?

    Note: I have decided on a player, and am now looking for advice on headphones instead. If you want to help me out, click here. Otherwise, there is still good info in this thread, so feel free to check it out.   I have just recently gotten into high quality music. I used to listen to 20 kbps...