Recent content by statuefiddle
  1. statuefiddle


    Yes, the power delivery has to be able to keep up as well, so output impedance doesn't tell the whole story. If a power spec is only given at a higher impedance (32 ohms, as is typical), a lower output impedance means that power is more likely to translate through to lower loads (ie. the power...
  2. statuefiddle

    Tansio Mirai Impressions Thread

    Wow, thank you for the kind words! :pray: Damn, great deal. Look forward to hearing what you think of them!
  3. statuefiddle


    Headphone sensitivity and impedance, and how it relates to power, voltage, and current, can be confusing. Lower impedance does not inherently mean a headphone takes less power to drive, but people think that because they don't need as high a volume (gain) setting on the amp to get to the same...
  4. statuefiddle

    Tansio Mirai Impressions Thread

    I've been listening to the Tansio Mirai TSMR-X for about two months now. I bought them from Penon for $400 USD. I wanted to answer the question: what can IEMs offer in the same price-class as my much-loved Hifiman Ananda headphones. Spoiler: while I had just been mildly interested in IEMs...
  5. statuefiddle


    No, just an electronics nerd! 😅 Speaking of Canpur, I'd love to hear a comparison of the Aehta to the CP54e. Is that something you can comment on @Leonarfd ?
  6. statuefiddle

    The PENON official thread

    Great impressions, thanks for sharing! I'm curious to know how it compares to some of your favorite BA or BA+EST sets. Which are getting the most of your listening time these days, and how would you say they differ from what you're hearing from the Voltage?
  7. statuefiddle


    Looks like the same model number for the dual BC on both (Sonion 37AAX007), a midrange BC with resonance peak at about 2.1 kHz.
  8. statuefiddle


    Yeah, I want to highlight this again. The Titan is NOT a dongle kind of IEM, just looking at specs alone. Should definitely be kept in mind for people considering it. The higher efficiency of the Aur (and most other IEMs) is a big plus if you're not already sitting on a beefy (specifically...
  9. statuefiddle

    The discovery thread!

    Whaaat! Do you just ask the seller to do that manually, or?
  10. statuefiddle


    For you @doubletrobbel , who's interested in the Titan, I was also giving it consideration. It's even more difficult to drive at 80 db/mW... seems like a small difference but 3dB of power sensitivity (efficiency) means twice as much, so 100x the power to get the same SPL with the Titan, compared...
  11. statuefiddle


    Thanks for sharing! Can you comment on how the Aehta compare in terms of bass reproduction to the others in your collection? I see in your photos that you're experimenting with the 011 switch setup now (mid and treble emphasis). Yeah, the Symphonium stuff seems incredibly difficult to drive...
  12. statuefiddle


    Very nice! How does it compare so far to your Thieaudio Monarch mkIII/Prestige LTD and Symphonium stuff (e.g. Helios)?
  13. statuefiddle

    Venture Electronics Thread

    Thanks for the replys! I'm suprised that my Pixel 6 (a reasonably new flagship phone) can't provide the power. The poco f1 and f4 both have older USB versions (Type-C 2.0, OTG), compared to the Pixel 6 (Type-C 3.1). The (newer) xz3 you mention is also Type-C 3.1, OTG. Anyone had luck driving...
  14. statuefiddle

    Venture Electronics Thread

    Having troubles driving Prime DAC just from my phone (Android 14). It will only connect when I also power it externally, but the phone should be able to power it from the data port, right? If I just connect it to my phone, it blinks the green LED but doesn't connect unless I provide external...
  15. statuefiddle

    Tansio Mirai Impressions Thread

    Great, thanks for investigating! Even more flexibility then!