Recent content by stark16
  1. stark16

    Problems with MG-Head OTL MKII!

    Sorry to hear that. It seems you do indeed have the same problem I had...very frustrating. Hope the replacement works out for you. John
  2. stark16

    Problems with MG-Head OTL MKII!

    Hey Stan, The first model I had seemed just fine the first hour or so. The channel would then develop slight distortion on one channel. That channel would also ocassionally cut out for no apparent reason as well. The problem was much worse and appeared almost immediately with my second model...
  3. stark16

    Problems with MG-Head OTL MKII!

    I went through a couple models before I finally received a working one. I was experiencing distortion on one channel and it was initially assumed to be a tube issue. After swapping out all the tubes, the problem remained. The second model I received had the exact same problem, but on the other...
  4. stark16

    Pictures of your headphones and source

    Quote: Originally posted by zeplin stark, that is more than a modest rig, it is a rather high end rig...of course not compared to nik's R10 and 20k$ angstrom, but who compares our rigs to rigs like that. it is simply a beautiful work of art. the word modest does NOT at all come to mind...
  5. stark16

    Pictures of your headphones and source

    My modest rig.
  6. stark16

    Whats the wierdest details heard in background

    C541i-->MG Head OTL MkII-->HD600 w/Equinox cable Soundtrack to Tous les matins du monde , Track 2 - Improvisations sur les folies d'Espagne While I've always noticed the breathing of the performer, it is really much more pronounced with my new setup. Normally this is something I've come to...
  7. stark16

    Do you use the HD600's suave case?

    i have a little too much time on my hands. pics located here (note, images are ~1MB combined, so for slower connections it may take awhile...too lazy to resize, sorry)
  8. stark16

    Need ~$300 HD600 Amplifier

    Well, I just recently purchased a MG Head OTL MkII from Upscale Audio for around ~$340 shipped, which is at least a little better than $395. If you do decide to get it from them, Kevin is a really nice guy to deal with (though I think he is going on vacation soon).
  9. stark16

    Another HD600 cable croaks

    You can get the equinox in 1/8" with an included 1/4" adapter. $209 shipped though. I've got 2 sets of stock HD600 cables. I could part with one if you do not wish to pay $15 plus shipping.
  10. stark16

    MG Head OTL problem... please help!

    well, crap I had this exact same problem i spent a few weeks trying to diagnosis it thinking it was a tube issue. finally sent it back last week for a return. looks like it could be more of a design issue than UPS. oh well, eagerly awaiting my new mkII, fingers crossed.
  11. stark16

    dual audigy2 and maudio config

    i'm currently running the revo and audigy2 without a problem as well. just waitin' for my replacement amp to arrive so i can do a better comparison between the two.
  12. stark16

    M-Audio Revo, Nad C521i, Philips 963SA!?

    The 541i has 3 outs. However it only has one set of RCA outs...the other 2 are digital outs (coax and optical).
  13. stark16

    M-Audio Revo, Nad C521i, Philips 963SA!?

    Sadly no. My profile is a bit premature (I got bored last night)...they are currently en route. I'd be more than happy to let you know when I get a chance though. John
  14. stark16

    Another MG Head noise question

    I've hear good stuff about the 5751 tubes...but I think UpscaleAudio was out of them Any ideas, besides eBay, where I might find hight quality 5751s? Kevin, BTW, was a pleasure to speak with...really laid back and goes out of his way to satisfy the customer.
  15. stark16

    What's your major?

    Quote: Originally posted by Vertigo-1 BS in Computer Science...was debating going into Masters afterwards in MSIS. Funny thing is, back when I was in CIS for a semester or two and went around telling people my major, they'd all give me a blank look and say "umm, ok". It's like nobody...