27 years young and going back to school for Electronic Engineering Technology.
Gaming, headphones, modding, DIY cables, repairs, tubw rolling, + more.
Knowledge. There's always someone out there who knows more than you. Embrace it; Learn new things.
Headphone Inventory
Akg q701
Lcd-2 2016 Aluminum
Headphone Amp Inventory
Schiit Lyr 2
Hifiman EF-5
A couple chinese DIY portables
Source Inventory
Schiit Modi Multibit
Galaxy Note 4
Cable Inventory
4 ft DIY AUDEZE LCD Headphone Cable. ( Mogami Quad Mic 2534, ViaBlue SC2 splitter, ViaBlue 1/4 in Connector, Neutrik Rean 4-pin Mini XLR's, 1/2 Kaleidoscope; 1/2 Black #325 Paracord.

5 1/2 fr DIY AUDEZE LCD Headphone Cable (Mogami 2534, Neutrik NP3X 1/4 in Connector, Neutrik Rean 4-Pin Mini XLR's, No Paracord-Clear Copper

Schiit PYST RCA's

Mediabridge 3ft Toslink

A bunch of generic cables that do their jobs well.
Power-Related Components
Hifimam DY-1

Looking for insight on Power Conditioners and the likes.
Music Preferences
Jazz Fusion
anything mellow thats electronic
PS4, soldering kits, I'd like to learn mote about Arduino
Currently unemployed but pursuing School in the Fall. Caring for a loved one.