Recent content by soupasam
  1. soupasam

    B&W P5 Headphones: An Unboxing of the Bowers & Wilkins P5 Headphones

    Quote: Originally Posted by gorgonmusic hahah dont put my name in it just to join the trend. you were smart enough to test them before buying them that was a wise choice especially when buying $300 worth of headphones.. Everyone was doing it... I wanted to fit in
  2. soupasam

    B&W P5 Headphones: An Unboxing of the Bowers & Wilkins P5 Headphones

    Quote: Originally Posted by fella lol. As ridiculous as that is, its kind of true. What does gorgonmusic do to one's psycho-acoustics, when you listen and think "this really annoying dude thinks these induce nirvana" I'd like to thank gorgonmusic as his completely over the top...
  3. soupasam

    B&W P5, ESW9 or something else?

    Cheers for the help guys The ES10s look awesome.. How easy is it to order from pricejapan? Are there any issues with counterfits as they seem awfully cheap compared to audiocubes. Has anyone dealt with them before? I'm not sure if I can wait till may to see if the T50Ps are any good, I need...
  4. soupasam

    B&W P5, ESW9 or something else?

    Hey guys, I've been using Alessandro MS-1s for a couple of years now and fancy an upgrade! Any advice to point me in the right direction would be appreciated. I love the MS-1s but I'd like something that leaks a little less (I don't want to annoy people on the bus to uni!) I listen to all...