Recent content by soundear
  1. soundear

    Snorry Planar Magnetic Headphones

    It looks great, and knowing the master's work, I'm sure it plays great too. Too bad I don't have the money yet (
  2. soundear

    Snorry Planar Magnetic Headphones

    You are wrong. I used to deal with binoculars, I used to buy them and there were returns. I looked into it in detail. Checked with support. The rules and limits are the same for all RF citizens. I'm sorry, but you should not talk if you are not sure of the accuracy of the information...
  3. soundear

    Snorry Planar Magnetic Headphones

    You're right, I used to use PayPal a lot before. And I could not deposit more than 40,000 rubles or $500 once a month. And only through Svyaznoy or Evroset. Which have become very few. It is impossible to top up my account in PayPal from my card. Generally, there is no way. Since then I don't...
  4. soundear

    Snorry Planar Magnetic Headphones

    Judging by the number of feedbacks you are just unlucky and fall into that 3% defect. I have been using the planar headphones of this master for years. And these are now my best headphones. I get pleasure from the sound every night. I am sure your question will be solved. I wish you luck.
  5. soundear

    AirPods Max

    Yes, you're right. After much deliberation, I decided that for this money you can get some pretty cool planar headphones. It's a whole other level. That's probably what I'll do.
  6. soundear

    AirPods Max

    Better. I agree. But not better than the headphones you can buy for the money.
  7. soundear

    AirPods Max

    A lot of reviews on these headphones looked at. Opinions are divided. At first I wanted to buy them, then I got others. Didn't like the previous models, I doubt this is much better.