Recent content by SonicFury
  1. SonicFury

    A College Student in Love with, New to, Hi-Fi

    Great advice, will do!
  2. SonicFury

    A College Student in Love with, New to, Hi-Fi

    Well, this thread has yielded for me one big collective point - try everything, assume nothing, and take every suggestion with the biggest grain of salt. So as ironic as it may be, I have come to this forum looking for a recommendation, and discovered that the best recommendation has nothing...
  3. SonicFury

    A College Student in Love with, New to, Hi-Fi

    Again, everyone, thank you for the incredibly useful words. As it is right now, I'm leaning towards making an SR225 work into my budget. From what I've read they're the biggest noticeable jump from the SR60/80's. A total tech geek, I'm uncomfortable with settling for lowest budget models in a...
  4. SonicFury

    A College Student in Love with, New to, Hi-Fi

    Well, as is life... The other day my girlfriend got into some money problems and I've had to bail her out. So for now, my budget has dropped. I see my safest financial choices right now to be between the Grado 60, 80, and 125. Where do I go from here? Anyone have a link to a thread...
  5. SonicFury

    A College Student in Love with, New to, Hi-Fi

    Oh wow I'm gonna love this forum. It's obviously active which is great, but I love it when forum members willingly assimilate themselves into a geeky cult for the forum focus. Yes, you guys do rock. When I say $500 budget, I'm talking about an entire package. I have no idea where to start...
  6. SonicFury

    A College Student in Love with, New to, Hi-Fi

    Hello forum, I've come hear with a building passion for immersive listening experiences, and an infamous college budget. I'm in love with music, and my dad has let me into a passion of his - hi-fi. He involved me in his purchase of our HT upgrade, and touring audio stores with him my eyes...
  7. SonicFury


    Newbie to the forum, will make my first post about my sunglasses lol. This thread just caught my eye. Prescription Oakley Juliets Gun metal frame / smoked lenses Polarized, anti-glare Insurance helped foot the ~$500 bill lol No pics for now, sorry