Recent content by snausages
  1. snausages

    Help me make a selection...

    I found the MDR-7506s (V6) to be very unmusical and almost unlistenable because of the harsh highs and sibilance. The DT250-80s would be a great choice IMO; relatively neutral sound and incredibly tough construction. Although I tried pairing my 250-80s with a Meta-42 amp and didn't notice a huge...
  2. snausages

    Positive/intelligent hiphop recommendations?

    A lot of the older/classic stuff is good: Tribe Called Quest, De La, older Roots stuff, etc. I'd stay away from the new Black Eyed Peas and Roots albums; they're trying to crossover to mainstream and their new stuff is wack. If you want some intelligent new hip-hop to check out: Cannibal Ox -...
  3. snausages

    X-Box... worth it or not?

    Quote: Originally posted by archosman Went with the XBox and got HALO. Started at 3:00pm yesterday, quit at 2:30am, started this morning at 11:00am and put it down at 6:00pm. All I can say is wow! My thoughts exactly when I first played it; it's probably the most engrossing game...
  4. snausages

    X-Box... worth it or not?

    Quote: Originally posted by bootman Can you point us to some good xbox hacking info?
  5. snausages

    X-Box... worth it or not?

    I completely disagree with aiOtron, Gamecube for the most part is for little kids. But either way you don't play the system, you play the games so have a look at the games offered by each system, then make your decision. When Live came out I saw an interview with a Nintendo exec and he said...
  6. snausages

    X-Box... worth it or not?

    Xbox rocks, I've had mine for a year and a bit. I got laid-off, myself, back in April but they gave me lots of notice so I went out and bought a $3000 flat screen high-def jobbie in preparation. I'm livin' the dream. heheh As a previous poster said: it's worth it just for Halo, but Xbox is no...
  7. snausages

    Sars-stock. Heard of it?

    I watched a bit of it on CBC; it looked like hella fun! Flipping through the channels I noticed that CNN Headline News had a guy there who was covering it so I'm sure many Americans were aware of it. I must agree that Justin Timberpuke had no business being there... but whatever, everyone had a...
  8. snausages

    Canadian Head-Fiers, help me to go!!!

    Sorry, I can't answer most of your questions, but I can definitely say that if you have a choice go to British Columbia (there are probably more job opportunities in the east though: Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal). I've lived all over Canada (except the Maritimes) and BC is by far the nicest place...
  9. snausages

    Nike buys Converse...

    Chuck Taylors are for kids. The last good shoe Converse made was the Weapon.
  10. snausages

    KSC-35: one cord longing than the other?

    Quote: Originally posted by LobsterSan Keep them and and they'll one day earn "super collectible" status, just like those error cards did in trading card manufacturing. My favorite was the Billy Ripken "F--- Face" error card. heheh. I have that card.
  11. snausages

    Looking for a pair of street cans.

    Personally, I found my 7506s very unmusical and even unlistenable at times because of the harsh highs and sibilance. I much prefer Koss Portapros or KSC-35s although they don't provide any isolation.
  12. snausages

    Ever walk out of a movie?

    Boomerang - Worst. Movie. Ever.
  13. snausages

    Rap Sucks

    Quote: Originally posted by KR... ROTFLMAO!!!! Ok, I think everyone who reads your post and this one can figure out who really is speaking the truth here. I think scrypt has said some very intelligent things and I agree with a lot of it. I do think there is underlying racism in a...
  14. snausages

    Rap Sucks

    Quote: Originally posted by scrypt ...Rush has the most stunningly pretentious-yet-illiterate lyrics known to the human race. /in my best Nelson Muntz voice: HA-HA!