Recent content by slpnsld
  1. slpnsld

    AV-710 in Linux, High Quality output not working.

    gah, for some reason whever i restart i have to do the same thing over again in order to get alsa to work: alsactl restore it seems that asound.state is getting reverted back to default or something on each boot up
  2. slpnsld

    AV-710 in Linux, High Quality output not working.

    Quote: Originally Posted by dejrfan Well, this is weird because I have the exact opposite problem... I've got sound from sp/dif but none from analogue. I'll attach my asound.state file but the only difference I can see is that I have an extra line between "comment.type BOOLEAN" and...
  3. slpnsld

    AV-710 in Linux, High Quality output not working.

    Although this post is really old, I just insalled FC3 on my box and I'm getting the exact same problem when trying to run alsactl restore. I've installed the latest alsa drivers/libs and ran the alsaconf utility and still no luck. Now whenever I try playing something in xmms it complains...
  4. slpnsld

    Best Soundcard for music and gaming..

    thx imyourzero. i have an athlon 64 3000+, 6800 gt, and a gig of ram btw.
  5. slpnsld

    Best Soundcard for music and gaming..

    im thinking of getting a dual card setup, chaintech and audigy 2 but i dont really wanna shell out the money for an audigy if the chaintech will do the job gamming wise, meaning it doesnt hog cpu cycles and will get decent fps on games like doom 3 and ut2k4. anyone have any experience with the...