Recent content by sl33p
  1. sl33p

    Upgrade time! Recommendations for DAC or amp?

    Ill have to second Cyarron on the amp thing. recently got myself a new amp, and im very happy of the difference it made. I think DAC's can have good changes as well, its just it would be more noticeable with a decent amp to power it. I do own a Beresford, and i used to have a very poor quality...
  2. sl33p

    In need of a sound card

    Does your mobo have a spdif out? If so just use that to a coax DAC. The thicker coax cable provides you with a nice placebo effect over the USB. What about kmixer resampling you say? I honestly cannot tell the difference between 48k and 44.1k. Or my ears suck.
  3. sl33p

    Next step up in my system? DAC?

    Actually you bring up a very good comparison Stan. I have rarely seen, if any, comparisons between the OMZ and the Beresford. We've seen the Beresford compared to higher end DACs, and compete with them as well, but then again, almost all budget DACs are compared to high end DACs, and receive...
  4. sl33p

    Is it really that bad for an internal soundcard ?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Maniac Inconsistent data delivery, little "pauses" in the middle of playing, interference from other USB devices. Things like that. Hmm, I get pauses every 3 or so days. Its like a half second pause. rarely happens, but it does. I do have an external...
  5. sl33p

    Beresford + Receiver???

    Okay, Thanks a lot fellas. I was just wondering because, I was planning to buy an amp... but just not right now, and if the amp would have been a crucial component. But anyways, thanks again!
  6. sl33p

    Beresford + Receiver???

    Well, it has a 24/192 DAC, thats all i can really see on the manual/specs It's a Yamaha HTR-6030 btw. Is there anything specific i should be looking for?
  7. sl33p

    Beresford + Receiver???

    Hello all, I just happen to have a receiver, and I just ordered myself a Beresford mk6. My question is, would my receivers' DAC re-convert and undo what the external DAC did to the signal?
  8. sl33p

    Did my new speakers destory my cheap 10 dollar microphone?

    I recently tested out a new set of bookshelf speakers, and decided to use my cheap mic to chat with someone on Xfire... and then all the other person hears is loud noise and not my voice. what happend?
  9. sl33p

    DAC -or- Soundcard for Movies/Music/Gaming

    My question is this: If i were to use a DAC for those 3 things i do, would all i be losing is the EAX and all things dolby? Or is there something else i will be missing out on? I currently have 2 Polk Monitor30's and a Polk PSW303 with some random Yamaha receiver. I do not intend to use...