Recent content by Sinpathy
  1. Sinpathy

    Grado Fan Club!

    So, I stretched the headband a bit, and it's a lot more tolerable now. I'd just like to say thanks to everyone for the advice! By the way, does anyone have any recommendations? I'm currently listening to Sting's "Symphonicities" and it's been an amazing album to go through. 
  2. Sinpathy

    Grado Fan Club!

    I do, in fact have comfies. I just quarter-modded them, and I'll listen a bit to see how the pain is now. Unfortunately I don't have any way to sell them, since I'm only a sixteen-year-old living in Brasil, and I don't want to, since I adore the sound that these babies make. To Posam: I'm not...
  3. Sinpathy

    Grado Fan Club!

    So, I've been listening to my SR80i's for around 3 days now. And I must say I'm absolutely in love. I can't wait until these are properly broken-in, so I can start modding! I'm very new to Hi-Fi, so I can't really describe how these sound other than "really really really nice". My favourite...
  4. Sinpathy

    Grado SR80.

      Quote: I've heard the JDlabs cMoyBB drives Grado's pretty well. I've never listened to them though, so don't take my word for it exclusively.   Here's the link:  
  5. Sinpathy

    Grado Fan Club!

    If anyone's interested I ended up going with a Xonar DG to use with my PC and a Fiio E6 to go with my iPod. Unfortunately I wasn't able to order the cMoy's because of how long they'd take to ship. I live in Brazil and I had a very small window of time for the products to arrive, since I'm...
  6. Sinpathy

    Grado Fan Club!

    Quote: Hmm, I see. I think I'll pick these up then, and I'll post back on what I think of them. I'm reasonably excited, these being my first pair of decent headphones after all.
  7. Sinpathy

    Grado Fan Club!

    Quote: I'm sorry, I didn't really understand your post. What I meant is that I don't own either of them, and I was wondering which would be a better overall deal to get. The SR125i's or the SR80's with the amp, since they are around the same price. I'm sorry if my post was worded awkwardly.
  8. Sinpathy

    Grado Fan Club!

    Hey there guys, I've chosen Grado as the brand for my first foray into audiophilia. However, I'm actually not sure as to what I should buy. I've only got around USD$160, and I'm conflicted between picking up a SR80i along with a cMoyBB to drive them, or straight out buying SR125i's. I'm kind of...