Recent content by ShikuroSaki
  1. ShikuroSaki

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

      Alright, I'll check them all out. Thanks for your suggestions XD
  2. ShikuroSaki

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Hello guyss, may I ask about something? I dunno if this is the right place to do so, so please correct me if I'm wrong.   I've been wondering if there's a place or website for me to buy anime audio albums in 24bit formats. Its because all the original CDs that I rip using EAC are in 16bit and...
  3. ShikuroSaki

    Best Budget AMP/DAC recommendation for playing classical & instrumental music

    It seems that in the end, I ended up buying the Radius AL-LCH 91 DAC/AMP when i compared it with the others directly in the shop. The sound is much clearer, enhances the sound stage and very good instrument separation when compared to the others, so its very suited for classical music. The price...
  4. ShikuroSaki

    Best Budget AMP/DAC recommendation for playing classical & instrumental music

    Alright noted! Just checked it out online, seems really promising lol. Will try to try n listen.
  5. ShikuroSaki

    Best Budget AMP/DAC recommendation for playing classical & instrumental music

    B I usually use my asus rog laptop and iphone vlc player to listen to my music. Guess I'll need to find some audio shops that allow the amp dac device testing with my HD598 and gun down on one after all lol. Btw thanks for all your recommendations, I'll try to compare them all.
  6. ShikuroSaki

    Best Budget AMP/DAC recommendation for playing classical & instrumental music

    Hmm... Both seems nice. Is there any noticeable difference for the clarity and soundstage between them? My top two choices now are the JDS Labs CmoyBB or FiiO E17K Alpen 2 Btw sorry for my being so indecisive. Still a newbie here to the world of audiophile...
  7. ShikuroSaki

    Best Budget AMP/DAC recommendation for playing classical & instrumental music

    Ooh i see. Which one do you think is better for classical, Schiit or FiiO? Edit : I found one more choice : the JDSLabs cmoybb. This is getting more and more confusing on what choice to make... :confused_face_2:
  8. ShikuroSaki

    Best Budget AMP/DAC recommendation for playing classical & instrumental music

    Hello! I've been looking for a recommendation for the best budget AMP/DAC for playing classical & instrumental music. While surfing the web for reviews, I've found some choices like the Schiit Fulla, FiiO E10K & E12 Mont Blanc to be interesting, but still really really confused on my final...