Recent content by shaunscool
  1. shaunscool

    Did Anyone Else Have The $6.00 Shipping Charge Come Up On The Limited KSC-35 Offer?

    I had the $6.00 shipping appear as well even with the coupon...and l agree, it's the PRINCIPLE of the thing! I also wanted to compare with my current PortaPros so I'll try again tomorrow and see if miraculously the charge goes away.
  2. shaunscool

    Beyer pads on the V6 a sound improvement?

    It's been so long since I've used the original V6 pads but I don't remember noticing much of a difference in sound after the mod. If anything it seemed to tone down the harshness, but this could be attributed to burn in time since I added the Beyer pads pretty soon after getting the cans. For...
  3. shaunscool

    Shure vs. Etys?

    Here's the Shure site:
  4. shaunscool

    Shure vs. Etys?

    I'm looking into getting some canal-phones, how do these (cheaper) Shure ones compare to something from Ety? Any feedback is as always greatly appreciated.
  5. shaunscool

    V6 or 7500 series in Spain?

    I wish I had studied Spanish harder in high school....
  6. shaunscool

    Sony 7506/V6 questions :::

    My apologizes for the second link that's broken it is again.
  7. shaunscool

    Sony 7506/V6 questions :::

    I too have Beyer-modded V6's and must say I couldn't be happier with the mod. Because these topics have been covered elsewhere on these forums, here are a couple links for anyone who wants them... 1) discussion of advantages/disadvantages to the Beyer mod...
  8. shaunscool

    Sony V-6 initial impressions

    In case you were thinking of getting the Beyer pads, I would definitely recommend them. I suffered from the horrid "hot ear syndrome" often associated with the pleather pads on these cans (why is that?) and the Beyer pads were a godsend for allieviating that discomfort. All that's left to worry...
  9. shaunscool

    Beyer 250 Pads? V6 vs. Senn 495s?

    Quote: Originally posted by misterwight Oh, and a random question. Has anyone ever dealt with My order has been in the shipment pending status for a couple of days now, which I find odd. Yeah, my V6's took a few days to get processed too. Patience is a virtue.
  10. shaunscool

    Beyer 250 Pads? V6 vs. Senn 495s?

    Some users would give you a grumble and tell you too search harder, cause this information is all over these forums, but since I'm such a nice guy... As far as I can tell, the only way to get the Beyer pads is to call them at their 800 number and ask for part 442.704 or the VELOUR pads for...
  11. shaunscool

    A new (and happy!) V6 owner

    I think I'm goin for the Beyer quote stymie miasma, this "vinyl-bus-seat-in-summer" feeling is one that I would rather not have...
  12. shaunscool

    Help ON Purchase of Headphones

    Check out the Sony MDR V6's. If you've been reading around these forums you have seen this recommendation before. I just got them about 2 weeks ago and can't take them off; the bass is tight and clean, the mids and highs are great as well. Can't beat the price either, has them for...
  13. shaunscool

    A new (and happy!) V6 owner

    Really? This is the first bad review I've heard of the Beyer pads. Beyer pad freaks (and I know you're out there!)feel free to defend yourselves, but I'd like to hear more about the change in sound quality, Vertigo.
  14. shaunscool

    Are there any harddrive MP3 players that sound as good as MD?

    Sorry for the above post that is completely irrelavant to this discussion about hard drive players...yeah.