Recent content by sewoo55
  1. sewoo55

    The Fiio X3 Thread.

    Question about the cover art..... In the past, only album covers with a smaller file size than 100kb would show up on screen. With the new firmware, has this changed?
  2. sewoo55

    The Fiio X3 Thread.

    Does the new firmware support gapless playback?   And what are the improvements that the new firmware has over the previous one?
  3. sewoo55

    The Fiio X3 Thread.

    I really wish we could list the songs according to their Track names. So far, we can list them according to file name, Artists or album.   Just being able to list all the songs according to their track names in alphabetic order would be great
  4. sewoo55

    The Fiio X3 Thread.

    Thanks for the reply!
  5. sewoo55

    The Fiio X3 Thread.

    Does the micro SD card HAVE to be empty when you update firmware? Or can there be music files? And which firmware should I update to, 2.05 or 2.1? Which one is more stable?   Thanks guys