Recent content by Serlius
  1. Serlius

    Solving left/right balancing issues.

    Hello, castleofargh. Thank you for the reply. I use windows volume mixer when I'm on PC and it's way less noticeable. The left volume is 50 while the right is 45, then I use the amp's volume knob to adjust the volume when it's necessary. It currently sits between 9 and 10 o'clock. My current...
  2. Serlius

    Solving left/right balancing issues.

    Greetings. My left ear is a couple dB worse than my right ear, so I was thinking about buying one of these. It seems to be mainly for speakers, but "Type C" version has 6.5 input/output connectors. So my setup would be like this: PS3 -> dac/amp combo -> balance control -> headphones. Would it...
  3. Serlius

    Good closed headphone with volume control?

    Hello everyone :)   I was thinking about getting a new headphone/headset; but I want a closed one with volume control, which seems a little bit difficult to find. The only ones I found were Sennheiser's PC350 and G4ME zero. I will use this headphone mainly for gaming, music and, sometimes...
  4. Serlius

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hi, everyone.   I am no audiophile, however, this seems to be a nice place to visit before investing on a new toy.   Fortunately, I will not bother you very often, since I'm a little stingy. :)   -Serlius