Recent content by Serge944
  1. Serge944

    Soundcard for Sennheiser HD595 and Corda HA-2?

    I use the m-audio revolution 7.1. Although it has a limited amount of in/outputs, the sound is quite good. I run the coaxial digital out through a m-audio c02 with an optical signal to my receiver.
  2. Serge944

    OMG, xin amp is getting even smaller

    Ack, the server is down and i can't look at Xin's product page. Oh well.
  3. Serge944

    dt 250-80 pictures

    any 250-80 owners, please post pictures or if anyone has a good link, post that too
  4. Serge944

    Damn its sexy

    agreed, im getting the dr7 as well. Much better player and sound is far superior. Sharp has usually sounded better than sony in the past and now with the 1 bit amp, the dr7 and ds8 (e10 competitor) sound better than any other portable MD player.
  5. Serge944

    v6 vs sennheiser 280

    awww...come on guys,. help me out
  6. Serge944

    v6 vs sennheiser 280

    I recently purchased the sony v6 headphones and still have time to return them. I can get the sennheiser 280 for the same price. I mainly listen to dance/trance music. Would the 280 be much of an improvement?
  7. Serge944

    URGENT - Headphones $150-200

    yeah, im particularly getting the dr7 minidisc player because it has the highest mW output of any MD player. I dont really intend to use an extra amp. Also, ive been looking into audio technica 700 or 900 headphones. Do any of you recommend those?
  8. Serge944

    URGENT - Headphones $150-200

    what i mean by urgent, is that im ordering my sharp md dr7 minidisc player from japan in a few days, and i want to order some high quality headphones along with that.
  9. Serge944

    URGENT - Headphones $150-200

    btw, i also want full size headphones, just in case that wasnt obvious...those grados are kinda small
  10. Serge944

    URGENT - Headphones $150-200

    I was wondering what would be the best heaphones around the 150-200 price range (in US dollars). I have been looking into the sennheiser 280 but would like to see some products closer to the 150 mark. I mainly listen to trance and other electronic music. And a little bit of rock. Thanks for the...