Recent content by Serenseti
  1. Serenseti

    Sennheiser IE8 Impressions Thread

    Is there any reliable place I can buy these online or in NYC? I thought I got fakes from an Amazon seller and returned them. It's getting harder to find the old IE8 since everyone seems to have the new version only...
  2. Serenseti

    I went to a Guitar Center store and they only had a couple headphones out. Despite my badgering they refused to let me try on an ATH-M50 or SRH840, and they assured me that no other store would allow me to, either. What gives?
  3. Serenseti

    Thanks everybody! With your recommendations, and a bit more searching, I've narrowed my choice down to the ATH-M50S and the SRH840. I hear consistently good things about the M50 but there are some very positive and other slightly disappointed reviews for the SRH840. At this point I'm just as...
  4. Serenseti
