Recent content by Scriccs11
  1. Scriccs11

    I made a mistake, Help.

    I made a mistake in buying the Senn PMX 60's the other day. I thought they would have been a good choice for portable phones. I was wrong. They are way too bright and bass lacking. They dont sound right, almost unnatural. They sound horrible. I wanted to know if there was anything I could do...
  2. Scriccs11

    Cheap cans<need help

    Im not going to bother, I just found some PMX 60's for $20-$10 rebate. I was going to get those over the MX500's before anyway.
  3. Scriccs11

    Cheap cans<need help

    Its been so long since I have been in this forum, atleast a 6 months. I came here for a while for advice, learned a little and never came back, I dont know why though. That is besiedes the point. So here is my question: I bought some Senn MX500 earphones to use with my Iriver IMP-350. They...
  4. Scriccs11


    How do u put them on? I can not get a good fit? Right now i have the wires pointing to the back of my head. Is that the way they are supposed to fit. They are awsome even though i can get a good fit.
  5. Scriccs11

    My Koss KSC-35's arrived today

    HOW DO U PUT THEM ON? I got them and they sound amazing but how do u put them on correctly? Mine arrived by mail, not UPS. How long do they need to burn in?
  6. Scriccs11

    mp3/cd players out there?

    Take a look at the new IRIVERS. I have the IMP350 and its great. The new ones will be even better!
  7. Scriccs11

    new closed "Pro" headphones from Koss

    I actually saw those in RadioShack the other day and tried them on. They were very solid and comfortable though a little heavy. If you want to try them go to RadioShack and take a look.
  8. Scriccs11

    My Koss KSC-35's arrived today

    So how do they sound? Fill us in. I can not wait much longer.
  9. Scriccs11

    When will the KSC 35s be shipped?

    I have not received a shipping confirmation and want to know when i will get mine.
  10. Scriccs11

    Did Anyone Else Have The $6.00 Shipping Charge Come Up On The Limited KSC-35 Offer?

    I agree, you can buy stuff online and not have to worry about it as long as u buy form a good retailer. Like said before, about 98-99% of websites are clean. Relax and enjoy shopping online.
  11. Scriccs11

    KSC-35 Limited supply

    Just ordered a pair, hope they still have some left for me. The coupon did not work, I didnt expect it to. What is the deal with when Koss will ship them?
  12. Scriccs11

    KSC-35 Limited supply

    R they sold out yet? I ordered a pair of PP that were just cancelled. I dont want to go through another process for no reason?
  13. Scriccs11

    New motherboard and cpu

    under $200 pretty fast, good for gaming and multitasking
  14. Scriccs11

    LiNkIn PaRk

    What do u think of thier new album? I like it a lot!
  15. Scriccs11

    New motherboard and cpu

    Right now i have... -450mhz -512 pc 100sdram which i want to keep -40 gig wd 7200rpm -10/100 ethernet -ati 8500 le 128 mb -tdk 48x burner and a case i want to upgrade to a faster chip with a new motherboard. i am looking at msi k2t l combo...