Recent content by salibandy
  1. salibandy

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Bolt I'd rate it 6/10. Well, it's another Disney movie, so what can you expect? same old storyline. However, I am a fan of Disney films, so I gave it a bump up from 5/10. Ironman This one was easily a 9/10. Loved the graphics. Storyline was nice too, but I can already see this film...
  2. salibandy

    Are you male or female?

    Most people would define me as having andro traits. Some people feel disgusted by that, but I don't see what's wrong.
  3. salibandy

    When Di you learn English? (non-native English Speaking Head-fi'ers here now!)

    Growing up in Singapore, one learns English as his main language. Everything here is taught in English, except for our mother tongues of course (mine is Mandarin). So, I can speak both English and Chinese, English very fluently, Chinese not so fluently.
  4. salibandy

    Do you go to restaurants and movies by yourself? (Not just for loners.)

    I usually do everything alone, and I enjoy it. Not to say I don't enjoy going with friends, I treasure those times too. But being alone gives me so much more freedom to do what I want. Maybe I am a loner afterall. I don't see myself as one though.
  5. salibandy

    Headphone Sightings 2

    Hello all. I'm new to this audiophile thing, and this is my first post here. Anyway, here in Singapore I see many Audio Technica SJ3s. I don't know what's with that particular pair of phones, but they're everywhere. On average, I see them about once a day (I work retail in town, and the shop...