Recent content by sadata
  1. sadata

    Best MP3 player for sound quality...?

    That's funny, I found the exact opposite to be true   Quote:
  2. sadata

    Best MP3 player for sound quality...?

    > Do you have a pair of ears?   Snarky, aren't we?     > Then do an A|B test OF versus RB.   Actually, I have.  While there are subtle differences, there was nothing that would make me suggest that one was worse than the other. If anything, the additional control and fine-tuning...
  3. sadata

    Best MP3 player for sound quality...?

    > Not only that, RB may sound worse than the OF > just like in the case of the sansa fuze or clip.   Can you substantiate this claim?  Or is it just your opinion?  In what way does it sound worse?
  4. sadata

    Portable FLAC player for Westone 3

    I'm using a Rockboxed Sansa Clip+ (8 GB + 16 GB microSD card) with my Westone 3s.  It's about as no-nonsense as you can get.  The size and weight are perfect. Sound quality is better than most players I've used.  Just install Rockbox on it and use DFKT's theme (dfkt_minimum_clip) and you'll have...
  5. sadata

    Recommendation on portable amps for Westone 3?

    I use my Westone 3 with an iBasso T3 and Sansa Clip+ and it sounds great. I also have a T4, but I find it too bassy for my taste.
  6. sadata

    My head hurts when listening to anything Digital

    Quote: Originally Posted by HyperDuel I'm so damn drunk when I type every post. I just noticed the above in your signature. Does the problem worsen depending how drunk or sober you are? The alcohol could be throwing your circadian rhythms off so that they are no longer in sync...
  7. sadata

    My head hurts when listening to anything Digital

    Quote: Originally Posted by HyperDuel My head hurts when listening to anything digital ... Any idea what should I do? The quality is too high for you. You can reduce the quality by re-encoding at 128 kbps or less. You should probably also introduce some pops and clicks (and a...
  8. sadata

    $10-$55 portable amps for SHR840s

    Before I bought the T3, I was using the E5 with my SRH840s and Clip+. While the Clip+ had no problem driving my IEMs (Westone 3), some songs with lower recording levels were just too much for the Clip+ alone to drive to the SRH840s. The E5 won't not make a huge difference but in my case provided...
  9. sadata

    Received iBasso increase in SQ at all?

    I just received my T3 two days ago. I'm using it with an 8GB Sansa Clip+ and the output sounds amazing on my Westone 3 IEMs and Shure SRH840 phones. However, when I first hooked it up I got all sorts of crackling noise, volume fluctuations and audio warble when I would handle the unit. It turns...
  10. sadata

    FiiO E7 Speculation Thread

    FiiO E7 Operation Video
  11. sadata

    Nokia N900 - Has anyone tried it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by marckuypers I went for the Sennheiser IE8 with an Ibasso D2+boa amp and I must say it sounds great Just curious how the IE8s sound on the N900 without the 'middleware'? Is there enough power to drive them on its own? With the D2+ boa are you using...
  12. sadata

    Nokia N900 - Has anyone tried it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by RPHC The Nokia N900 works pretty well as a stand-in hockey puck for pickup games on the frozen pond in my backyard. Yes, most pocket-sized mobile devices do.
  13. sadata

    Nokia N900 - Has anyone tried it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by marckuypers I currently have the N900 and was thinking about buying the Sennheiser IE8 or the Ultimate Ears 700. Can anyone tell me which one would be better for the N900 or are they both overkill for it? I listen to a wide variety of music from Britt Nicole...