RyanT42's latest activity
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    RyanT42 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    (I asked this on a separate thread but I am finding the Grado fans to be gracious at helping someone in need of info!) I have some...
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    I have some analysis paralysis going on and would like to ask a quick question. I'm currently stuck on pulling the trigger between a...
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    I have some analysis paralysis going on and would like to ask a quick question. I'm currently stuck on pulling the trigger between a...
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    RyanT42 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    Thank you…yeah figured that out quickly after. Long day…
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    RyanT42 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    Finally received the RS1x and really like the sound so far and they look great. I hate to bring this up but the cable is driving me...
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    RyanT42 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    I like a lot of these answers for a “what’s in the stable” as I’m currently looking for a smaller desktop dac & headphone amp to...
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    RyanT42 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    That’s interesting. I have some coming my way and I’m anxious to try them out. What kind of music do you typically listen to?
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    RyanT42 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    Can’t wait for mine to arrive. Are you preferring the G pads vs the L pads? What differences do you hear? Also, what’s your Schiit...
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    RyanT42 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    Thanks for the detailed reply. A lot of great info there! For my home system the preamp and power amp are separate units. Each have a...
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    RyanT42 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I can’t wait to A/B the LCD-C and the RS1x and see what I think. The both ends of the spectrum thing is why...
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    RyanT42 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    Thanks for the reply. I’m not too up to speed on DACs so do they have more of an impact on small output headphone amps versus a...
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    RyanT42 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    Hello, new here and looking for some guidance/opinions if I may be so bold. Here‘s the skinny: Getting my system set back up. I have a...