Recent content by RouletteRog
  1. RouletteRog

    3rd Annual San Diego Head-Fi Meet: Saturday, November 1st, 2014

    What the hell, I'll bring my Grado RS2e's..  It's not much, but the wife keeps me from breaking the household budget...  :-/
  2. RouletteRog

    The Grado RS-2 Thread

    I've had my RS2e's for a month or so and love them.  I went in knowing what I wanted and what my budget was, so I'm afraid that I can't really compare them to anything else...unless you want to compare them against my iGi IEMs.  I'm afraid that I can't do a comparison to the i series.  That...
  3. RouletteRog

    3rd Annual San Diego Head-Fi Meet: Saturday, November 1st, 2014

    I'm planning on attending.  New to the group and haven't any really cool stuff to show off.  I'm more interested in meeting like-minded people and checking out headphone amps, as I'm looking at tube hybrids to pair with my Grado RS2es.   Cheers, Roger