Recent content by ron
  1. ron

    classA amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by steinchen Hm, how much is much ? I haven't heard the Chiara but I like the Dynalo better than the MH. Personally, among all amps I've build so far, I like the Dynalo best (next to the Dynahi, but that is a different beast). Is the Dynahi a higher...
  2. ron

    classA amp

    Thanks again guys, I've had a search around it seems theres quite a few different boards for the Dynalo although I still have not found a newer ready printable one I can etch myself. I'll probably try out the basic one on Kevins article first, a properly made pcb would be best but I don't use...
  3. ron

    classA amp

    Cheers guys I've got a few nice regulators like the ALW super regs and a few discrete designs, all I want is a good quality headphone amp for late night listening when I can't use the Hi-fi. The Millet hybrid and Chiara is not bad but I'd like something higher quality now if possible...
  4. ron

    classA amp

    Hi Guys, Its been a while since I built an headphone amp and was thinking about giving this a go I currently have a JLH Chiara and a Pete Millet Hybrid, how would this discrete classA compare against my current amps regarding sound? the...
  5. ron

    your favourite coupling cap

    Hi Pinkie I'm using Multicap RTX caps in my Chiara, take a few days to burn in but are sounding great now, alot better than any of the Polypropylenes I have tried
  6. ron

    your favourite coupling cap

    My favourite caps are Multicap RTX, I use them for coupling and psu bypasses, I have not tried Auricaps yet Ron
  7. ron

    Ansar Supersound caps / Chiarra

    Quote: Originally posted by PinkFloyd Today is the first opportunity I've had to listen to the Chiarra with the Ansar Supersound polypropylene capacitors I fitted last week due to me blowing a resistor in the PSU when I refitted the board (it was a short circuit between +15V / -15V) I...
  8. ron

    Help from Chiarra users

    Hi Pinkie, Where do you get your auricaps from in the UK? I don't, my uncle is ordering some stuff from Michael percy in the US so I asked him to get me some Aricaps and Mills resistors, service does not seem to be to good though, a bit slow on replying to E-mails They may be worth a...
  9. ron

    Help from Chiarra users

    Hi guys The wire I used was a bit left over from some interconnects I made but the stuff Quickie sent us should be also worth trying, I'm going to wire my Nac pre and NCC200 up with this, be warned though that silver usually sounds very revealing and may sound bright and thin depending on...
  10. ron

    Help from Chiarra users

    Been listening to the Opa627's in the Chiara now for a couple of days, very nice, the sound is very different to the others I have tried but I still prefer the AD8620's. The new coupling caps and output resistors should be here soon hopefully. The teflon covered wire used for the signal made a...
  11. ron

    Help from Chiarra users

    Not bad but Polypropylene foil and films would be better, metalised polypropylenes can sound a bit harsh, again its down to personal taste and what type of cd player you have I'm going to try these and see which I prefer Auricaps Evox SMR (very good but revealing, I use these in my cdp)...
  12. ron

    Help from Chiarra users

    My Chiara is really starting to sound nice now, I have changed a few of the signal resistors to some RC55's, I'm still not sure what 2.2uf coupling caps to get, maybe Auricaps. I'll be trying the Opa627's this weekend. I'll take your Advice Pinkie regarding the phones, the Philips ones sound...
  13. ron

    Help from Chiarra users

    PPL, I forgot to mention that I have a couple of AD8065's as well, I'll try these later, I have boxes full of stuff