Recent content by Rix2357
  1. Rix2357

    total amp noob...why amp and which amp?

    some people aren't going to agree with me here, but if you put all the tiny differences in sound aside, the amp is there to just make your maximum volume louder. You only need an amp, if the music you want to play does not play loud enough on the source equipment and the output device (mainly...
  2. Rix2357

    Tangent's volume pot

    Yeah, and less fragile which is also more portable. I just don't get why so many people want to put a toggle or a volume control knob on the long side of a mint tin. If only the mint tin was a wee bit wider then it would be a perfect sized enclosure. I usually like to put the following in this...
  3. Rix2357

    CMOY AMP questions

    Do the solder bridges not effect the sound at all? I was under the impression that solder isn't the greatest of conductors.
  4. Rix2357

    Cmoy: 9V versus 18V

    Whether you need the two 9V batteries depends on the gain you use. I know that the 2227 and the 2132 work fine on one 9V battery. In my build, the only reason why I used two was for the extra run time. One battery yielded me about 9 hours run time. Two yielded 22 hours. Mine is set at around 6 gain.
  5. Rix2357

    Apple iBuds

    hmm, I don't know about you guys, but I think the ibuds bass doesn't go deep enough for ones that came from 1G and 5G ipods. The bass slam is there, but there is no follow through on some nice grand piano pieces. Mid's clip pretty easy too and max volume isn't too hard to saturate. The treble is...
  6. Rix2357

    Using different color LED

    Blue LED's above 100mcd are really bright. I had to sand some 80mcd ones down and use a 1M resistor to get it dim enough so that it wasn't so piercing if you happened to look at it at a wrong angle.
  7. Rix2357

    So you have golden ears? are you sure? good distortion hearing test inside.

    Supririsingly, I didn't get any better with slightly better equipment. I tested -31 with X-fi and V6, but no cmoy amp. -36 with X-fi and V6 and cmoy amp. And a recap of -33 with laptop speakers on Inspiron 8600.
  8. Rix2357

    So you have golden ears? are you sure? good distortion hearing test inside.

    I did the test on an Inspiron 8600 (laptop speakers) and got a -33. Personally, after -30 or so I wasn't sure if it was totally right, but before that I was pretty sure. Some of you are going to say BS, but I will also try them with some v6's attached to a cmoy amp and to the X-fi soundcard that...
  9. Rix2357

    How to be an audiophile

    I always thought that what determines if your an audiophile, stereophile, or music lover is the question you ask the person you just demoed a piece of music. If you ask, "How do you like my equipment?", then your a stereophile. If you ask, "How does the music sound?", then your an...
  10. Rix2357

    HD 650 or DT 880?

    Quote: Originally Posted by jernmo I just copied and pasted the poll from this thread. HD 650 23 50.00% DT 880 26 56.52% It showed one at 50% and one at 56% Just a larf. You can vote for both of them. I guess this is if you like both of them equally well, or just prefer...
  11. Rix2357

    Integrating an iPod with new car...

    Unfortunately new headunits ruin the asthetics of most cars. I wish they would quit selling some of those outlandishly garish head units and make one that looks stock. Stuff like super glossy black surfaces, semi transparent buttons, multicolored buttons, and markings are just adding to the...
  12. Rix2357

    Integrating an iPod with new car...

    I don't know about the guys advocating FM transmitters, but I would have stuck with using one if the sound quality wasn't that bad. I actually found the tape deck's sound quality better than the FM transmitter. The FM transmitter seemed to have filtered out some of the higher frequencies and...
  13. Rix2357

    Cmoy help please

    Something is not right. I believe the resistances should be equal, but probably a better way to check is to power it up and make sure that the voltage from the battery positive to virtual ground and virtual ground to the battery negative side is half and half with the opamp in and connected...
  14. Rix2357

    Cmoy help please

    I believe Teerawit is right about the the first picture right cable. It looks like the "virtual" ground and the circuit's actual ground got mixed together. Use your multimeter and probe to see if there is zero resistance from the black negative wire that goes to the battery and the middle 2...
  15. Rix2357

    technical question about capacitors

    What the dielectric does is allow an induced charge to be built up inside of it. This allows the plates to pack even more of the same charge in a more dense configuration and hence increasing capacitance. A good dielectric (must be an insulator) tries to store as much induced charges as possible...