Recent content by Riverpug
  1. Riverpug

    Etymotic or Westone ?

    As others have said it is a matter of taste and sound is often an aquired taste much like food. For me, westone (both UM1 and 2) come across too muffled and also the soundstage feels like its setup behind the center of my head. I still keep UM2 as backup, but Etymotic is my choice. That said...
  2. Riverpug

    Thinking about getting the Westone UM2's

    Quote: Originally Posted by Funk-O-Meter Come on now, I wouldn't say it's like listening underwater. Thats a bit extream don't you think? The upper frequencies are a little recessed I'd say but it's up in the "air" area. ... Actually I have handed them to a few friend since I got...
  3. Riverpug

    Thinking about getting the Westone UM2's

    Unfortunately I haven't got SuperFi 5 pro yet. I've been a user of westone UM2 and Etymotic ER-4P (or ER-4S amped), lately off Sony Walkman A1000 when I'm outdoors. I like both IEMs. I really don't have preference, only that they clearly have strengths and weaknesses. I can't imagine this...
  4. Riverpug

    Gilmore Lite vs. HeadRoom Micro Amp.

    Quote: Originally Posted by gpalmer ... In addition, if you might be looking for a DAC in the future the HeadRoom has a matching unit one available while the Lite does not. ... Quote: Originally Posted by Oski ... Also, you should really consider getting a DAC eventually...
  5. Riverpug

    Go-Vibe 4, MicroAmp, & Crossfeed

    While on that subject, anyone know how Ray Samuels SR-71 compares to them?
  6. Riverpug

    got my v4

    Quote: Originally Posted by familyman more to come when its burned in.. Incidentally, how long did you guys "burn in" this amp before you noticed difference?
  7. Riverpug

    got my v4

    Nice! And everyone seems to be getting blue LED, not fair. I want blue too now
  8. Riverpug

    Portable Amp for ipod

    Sorry guys for barging in like this, but is there anything wrong with HD595? Just wondering as nobody seems to have brought it up so far.