Recent content by Rithem
  1. Rithem

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    Hope everyone has a good new years eve!
  2. Rithem

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    Just got home today and the cord on the new V1s are nice. I like the texture of them. Plus it's also nice being able to hear music from both ears, not just the left one.
  3. Rithem

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by mobbaddict I was just making a stupid joke So anyone has compared how the V1 sounds compared to the old ones? Oh haha. Didn't catch that I was hoping they'd be here today but maybe they'll get here tomorrow if they shipped with USPS. If not I'll...
  4. Rithem

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by mobbaddict Oddly enough I don't remember passing an honesty test before buying the PFEs. huh? Quote: Originally Posted by Bullseye How is that so? I do have some problem with the jack termination. It sometimes doesn't make good contact...
  5. Rithem

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    I'm sure you do. I think it's a 1 year warranty.
  6. Rithem

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    Replacements shipping out today and tomorrow. I just emailed them about it. Also there is no need to return your current, damaged pair. Completely new headphones with all the accessories with it. Talk about customer service!
  7. Rithem

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    I haven't been here in a while but my PFE's right cable ripped and some of the line is exposed. I did email them and they said there's a new model coming in by the end of the month, which you guys seem to already know about . I'm excited to see how this is going to work. I lost my medium tips so...
  8. Rithem

    I'm Caving for PFEs

    Got the PFEs today and the E5s yesterday. I can't take them off! Even my mp3s with bad encoding have a much fuller, brighter sound. My lossless songs are amazing. Details I never even noticed with my HD 595s are evident now. I'm really happy I bought these. I'm using the Medium Silicone with the...
  9. Rithem

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    Mine came in fine. I wouldn't worry about it
  10. Rithem

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    Yeah. I started with the gray filters and the bass wasn't too great so I switched to the black and I was surprised how much more bass there was. I don't even need to use the bass booster on my iPhone with the blacks. The E5s add a whole new dimension of sound though. I'm really glad I bought these.
  11. Rithem

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by koven please let us know what u think of the e5 + PFE.. i have the same things coming Just got them today. The E5s add a lot of depth and bass to it. The PFEs are perfect with them E5s or any sort of amp I presume. They are ridiculously comfortable...
  12. Rithem

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    My E5s came yesterday when I was at Disneyland! They were supposed to come on Friday so that was good But my PFEs were supposed to come today but they haven't arrived in San Diego according to Fedex.... So I have an amp with no good headphones to use
  13. Rithem

    I'm Caving for PFEs

    Quote: Originally Posted by syn_fx Post up your impressions when you get them! Did you buy the E5 as well? Yup. My PFEs are in Nashville last time I checked and the E5s are nowhere to be found. It said it shipped but I dunno what's going on with Amazon.
  14. Rithem

    I'm Caving for PFEs

    Well.... I still bought them! Team Phonak!
  15. Rithem

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    Just curious since I'm going to get these within the next couple days. What are the differences between the Gray and Black filters? I mostly listen to hip hop and techno so I'm wondering I should use.