Recent content by redxix
  1. redxix

    JVC SU-AX7 and Sony PHA-1 (PHA-2)

    I was in Tokyo recently testing out headphones, and was able to pair the Audio Technica ATH-ES10 headphones with the JVC SU-AX7 headphone amp and I was thoroughly impressed.  So much so that I went ahead and picked up the ES10s.   I was also able to test out the PHA-2 but not with the ES10s...
  2. redxix

    Sennheiser Amperior vs Audio Technica ATH-ES10

    So I was fortunate enough to visit Tokyo's Akihabara recently and try out both of these awesome portable headphones.  I am not an audiophile or have golden ears so I had to listen to these for maybe 4 hours across 3 days and using about 5 songs~   (while describing my experience with these...
  3. redxix

    iPhone with PK1, really do I need an amp

    I was using PK1 unamped on iPhone 4s and currently unamped on iPhone 5. Today, I tried them on my friend's Leckerton UHA-6S MKII and I could tell a small difference; and yeah maybe around 5-7% difference; definitely less than 10% in my opinion. For me, I think the difference in sound is enough...
  4. redxix

    DIY Cable Gallery!!

    i tried to register, but they only have a buy a premier account button right now. i contacted their customer support though
  5. redxix

    DIY Cable Gallery!!

    okay i resized them, but on my own computer 1600X1200, they are really small and yes those are before and after pics of the heat shrinking and melting the chair; my dad was pissed
  6. redxix

    DIY Cable Gallery!!

    thanks highflyin9 for all the help, i took some pics with my pda of the cable, but they are kind of blurry. I want to share but apparently there is a file size limit for attachments, and i don't have my own website
  7. redxix

    Mini Y Splitter - six wires okay? how to braid?

    Hello Everyone, This is my first post. I am trying to make several different cables, and HighFlyin helped me out a lot. I am going to try to make a mini-xlr => 1/4" and Mini => RCAs but I also noticed that I still have a rat shack Mini => 2 Mini jacks... I wanted to make a better one. I...