Recent content by redalertomega
  1. redalertomega

    Sennheiser HD 598 Impressions Thread

    Does preamp output on Magni 2 Uber match with my active speakers Elevate 5?
  2. redalertomega

    *Official Schiit Magni/Modi 2 ( Uber ) Thread*

    I would love to see a black finish on Magni and Modi, just like the one on the Asgard 2. Imo, they could look even better in black.
  3. redalertomega

    Sennheiser HD 598 Impressions Thread

    The problem is that I also need monitor speakers output for my Alesis Elevate 5 active. So, with Magni 2 Uber, the combo starts to be less budget-friendly.   By the way I would like to know how much ohms Magni 2 delivers on headphones output impedance.     P.S: just curious, why Schiit...
  4. redalertomega

    Sennheiser HD 598 Impressions Thread

      But I know that Audioengine D1, for example, is not ideal with low impedance heaadphones such HD598, because its output impedance is too high (10 ohms). Is there somewhere a list of DAC/amp that have less than 5ohms output impedance?       Thanks for the reply. Focusrite Scarlett is...
  5. redalertomega

    Sennheiser HD 598 Impressions Thread

    Hey guys, I have a pair of HD598 Special Edition, still brand new and sealed because I would like to know what interface should I get before opening them.   I read that these headphones are very easy to drive so I suppose it's better to not use an amp in order to avoid altered sound...
  6. redalertomega

    DAC or Audio Interface?

    I am 100% sure that the gain on the Objective 2 Mayflower was setted to the lowest available. And still the maximum volume of HD598 was reached with only two notch. Can't image what would happen if gain was on high level! XD   By the way, I think I will buy an audio interface. Is there a way...
  7. redalertomega

    DAC or Audio Interface?

    Thanks for the explanation Raketen.   By the way, the volume wasn't low. It was at maximum level with only 2 notch out of 8! In my humble opinion that is useless. It's like reaching Ferrari top speed with gas pedal only at 1/4 position. Then I'm not an audiophile, but it's clear that...
  8. redalertomega

    DAC or Audio Interface?

    Not at the moment. Maybe in the future.   Btw, I read in a couple of audiophile sites that a powerful amp (such Objective2) could cause bad distortion and noise on low impedance headphones. Is that right? Cause I don't want to increase SNR to my headphones while using an amp.   I have seen...
  9. redalertomega

    DAC or Audio Interface?

    Hi everyone!    I need some advice regarding DAC or Audio Interfaces.   This is my configuration: - Alesis Elevate 5 monitors - Sennheiser HD598 SE headphones - Windows 7 PC - TRS balanced cable (I can buy RCA if needed)   My HD598 are brand new and sealed, so I still have to try them...
  10. redalertomega

    Choosing the right cable between BX5 D2 and M-Track...

    Aloha forum!    First of all, sorry for my english and for the newbie question but I am having an hard time finding the right cable for my future monitor speakers. I'm going to buy the M-Audio BX5 D2 combined with the audio interface M-Audio M-Track. I want to connect them all togheter...