Recent content by RD777
  1. RD777

    Crack;Bottlehead OTL

    Thanks for the info! I'm not too concerned about the difficulty of the build (famous last words maybe...), but starting with the Crack would make sense. In your experience, is the sound difference notable between the crackatwoa and crack + speedball?
  2. RD777

    Crack;Bottlehead OTL

    I've been waiting for the black Friday sale to pull the trigger, however, I'm still not entirely sure as to whether I should go with the Crack (speedball) VS C2a (w/o upgrades). I cannot find a lot of information on the c2a, and even though doc B lists it as an upgrade its still a little...
  3. RD777

    FiiO K5 || FiiO's docking desktop amp

    Hello!   Is there a release date planned?   According to some posts (facebook) the release was in october.
  4. RD777

    Xonar STX vs external DAC

    Hello everyone,   First of all, I'd like to apologize for starting yet another thread of soundcard vs external DAC, however, I didn't want to Necro-bump another thread, nor did I want to hijack another thread.   The Question: I am looking to upgrade my current soundcard Xonar DX to either...
  5. RD777

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

    Well I used to have an i10 but I have had the opportunity to use the J3 for about a month (friend's player). First of all, my opinion on Cowon sound is that it is good and warm. However, it relies heavily on EQ, a little too much to my taste (BBE). Compared to my i10 the x5 is an improvement on...
  6. RD777

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

    You can remove the cards while the device is on. So far I have done that without problems. If your cards are empty, format them in the device. There's an option for that in the settings.
  7. RD777

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

    Haha indeed :cry::cry: but on the bright side it works perfectly still. And it's a huge improvement on my Cowon. Hehe indeed. I would be surprised if they would help my clumsiness... Joe Bloggs JamesFiiO can u help me out? :disappointed_relieved:
  8. RD777

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

    With :cry::cry::cry:
  9. RD777

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

    Proud owner of a brand new Fiio x5 2nd gen.   2 days later   Proud owner of a dropped Fiio x5 2nd gen with a small dent on a corner....
  10. RD777

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

      That's weird :S. Anyway, here is the content from that page. (Fiio Support Forums)           : What to do if “Update Media library” on the X5 2nd gen/X3 2nd gen/X5 causes hangups? A: If the X5 2nd gen/X3 2nd gen/X5 hangs while updating the media library, it will still hang on any...
  11. RD777

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

    This should help:   Greetings.
  12. RD777

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

      Hello George, regarding your question about the battery NOT being used (when full) when the device is plugged in as a USB DAC, it appears the device will be powered solely by USB:   Good news :)
  13. RD777

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

    Haha OK, take it as you want. Again I think you are exaggerating a situation. We all have to work hard for the money we earn. Again, I did not mean to ruffle any feathers but I do think you are being dramatic about the battery and you are over-simplifying a feature that was probably considered...
  14. RD777

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

    I do not want to be rude but this position is completely exaggerated. A DAP, just like any electronic device is not eternal, it will eventually fail. However, I can guarantee that most people will be wanting to buy a new model BEFORE the device's battery is completely useless. In any case if the...
  15. RD777

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

    Could it be possible to get an ETA on when the X5 2nd gen units will be shipping out to US or Canadian distributors? My Cowon just died on me and I can't stand using my phone as a DAP.