Recent content by RAnton
  1. RAnton

    Audio-gd NFB-10

    Probably, you have wrong version with voltage, you can repair it yourself   Quote:  
  2. RAnton

    Audio-gd NFB-10

      Quote: What driver/player do you use ? I tried Foobar and J.River Media, both works with any driver (ASIO for example) using USB and 96 kHz/24 bit   P.S. may be it'll help right click on volume icon in notification area, choose "playback devices", in the list of devices choose...
  3. RAnton

    Audio-gd NFB-10

    Quote: Thanks for quick reply Currawong   Do you know any way to make it more silent ? I can hear it even in headphones. It's louder then button click  
  4. RAnton

    Audio-gd NFB-10

      Hey, Thanks EMS, I've just received my NFB-10SE and HE-6 in the same day. I'm so happy with it. One thing I want to ask owners of the amp, when it's changing the volume there's some click inside the case right after I press the volume button. Does someone notice that ?
  5. RAnton

    HM-602 Portable Music Preorder

      Quote: Sure, nothing is written about the country on the site, refund is promised for all, the item hadn't been sent yet, it's not a problem too
  6. RAnton

    HM-602 Portable Music Preorder

    Quote: Sorry, I asked for cancellation on October 20, not in August
  7. RAnton

    HM-602 Portable Music Preorder

    Thank you Nankai You made things clear.  I can't have player because I asked to cancel my order on October, 20 - it's after 68 days of waiting, and the item hasn't been sent yet. And I can't have money back because of paypal and you can do nothing with it. Thank for a good service.  ...
  8. RAnton

    HM-602 Portable Music Preorder

    Quote: Done Thank you
  9. RAnton

    HM-602 Portable Music Preorder

      Quote: I've started conversation with support 19 October, Nothing happened since that date
  10. RAnton

    HM-602 Portable Music Preorder

    Quote: I paid by paypal, I could cancel the order during 45 days, but yes, 45 days left month ago, HM-602 hasn't been sent yet
  11. RAnton

    HM-602 Portable Music Preorder

      Quote: I don't think so, I asked for money back after I've been waiting for HM-602 for two months and a half. They said they can't refund.
  12. RAnton

    HM-602 Portable Music Preorder

      Quote: I live in Russia, I agree it's not close but the Customer Support said that it's planned to ship, it's not sent yet.
  13. RAnton

    HM-602 Portable Music Preorder

    Hi All I've ordered HM-602 15 August and it haven't shipped, is anybody here who ordered the item before 18 August and haven't received yet ?