Recent content by ProppaT
  1. ProppaT

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

      I agree.  These turned out not being the headphones I was looking for, as I was looking for everyday headphones and they don't have the sound profile I thought they would, but they've definitely (slowly) turned into keepers.  They're not going anywhere and they're actually really enjoyable...
  2. ProppaT

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    It took a month of listening to these things, but I finally like them.  Longest burn-in I've ever seen on a pair of headphones.  After 2 weeks, the highs stopped cracking quite as much.  After 3 weeks, the bass seems to have relaxed quite a bit.  Now almost 5 weeks in, the highs are sounding a...
  3. ProppaT

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    Disagree about the fatiguing part.  These headphones are fairly fatiguing to me.  But I would compare them to Grados before other headphones, they sound closer to that colored Grado sound than anything else.
  4. ProppaT

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    The band in the middle is actually very comfortable.  If you have a big head, they really torque the cups down pretty hard against your head, though.  They're also in the running for some of the hottest cups I've worn.  Your ears do not get to breath in the slightest.  As the pads break in, I'm...
  5. ProppaT

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    That may be the case, not discounting that possibility at all.  Or I may need to get used to them.  Or they might need to break in.  Or I got a bad sample.  They're certainly not bad, it sounds like someone turned the bass on the EQ all the way up and it's killing the vocals and soundstage. Just...
  6. ProppaT

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    Still patiently waiting for mine to break in.  I might have 30-40 hours on mine, so I'm hoping the 80hr break in is what everyone says it is.  The bass is just way too heavy and my old ATs had a much better soundstage.  The bass just murkies everything up way too much for my liking.